Chapter XI: The Trial by Tale

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Is he serious sleeping really
"Wait, but we only heard two cannons. Did you not try and get Ravans handkerchief?"
"He left as soon as he saw us get his friends out."
"You let him go!" I whisper screamed

Tedros face planted himself. "We couldn't do anything, but he did say. 'Hildegarde will pay for this' so what did you do to him? "

Shit now I'm a wanted person, I stuttered, trying to explain to them. How am I supposed to explain that I used magic that isn't part of our course or of this world. "Uh, well, it was, uh I?" Tedros saw me struggle, so he took over "shes trying to say she blast them back with a powerful blow she learned in class."

They shrugged it off. Thank god for him. I mouthed to him,'Thank you.' When I saw something moving in the bushes, I took a closer look at it. Suddenly, a horse rose from the bush, causing me to sping up and fall back it was a relief that Tedros caught me, but I wasn't paying attention to him.

My attention was on the horse. They had a very long mane shadowing its eyes. It was a magnificent grey. I didn't know whether it was a she or he, but they're gorgeous.

Daphne was the same as me. We inched closer to the horse. Daphne began to pet its snout while I went around to jump on.
I didn't even notice what the boys were doing. I just wanted to stay with this beautiful creature.

Tedros Pov
When Hildy fell back in surprise, I caught her she would usually thank me, but this time, she shrugged me off. Her and Daphne inched closer to the horse. Chaddick and I were so lost why they were so enchanted by the horse. "Hildy, are you okay?" No reply, not even a reaction from her.

Chaddick asked the same to Daphne, "No answer." Suddenly, it all clicked, I whispered to Chaddicks ear so I wouldn't alarm it.
"Chad its a kelpie it charms people to ride its back to their death. Slowly pull Daphne away, but don't alarm it. "

Chaddick nodded and obeyed. Chaddick tried to pull Daphne away, but she slapped his hand away. Ultimately, Chaddick had to use force and lifted her away. "LET ME GO CHADDICK!" she yelled he covered her mouth and told her that it was a kelpie. She came back to her senses, but the kelpie noticed me inching towards Hildy, who was attempting to hop on.

I grabbed Hildys hand. She was quick to slap it away, but the kelpie sat down to let her get on. "NO," I practically yelled. The kelpie zoomed on ahead, bringing Hildy with it. Without a second thought, I ran after them. I knew where they were going. Not once did I look back, I have to get her back.

The kelpie was fast, but so am I used my sword to cut down the vines branches anything that was preventing me from getting to her. Until they finally reached a lake, the kelpie galloped in the water to drown her.

Hildy was still oblivious to what was happening, that was until she hit the water.

Hildegarde's Pov
Have you ever felt out of control, seeing everything going on but you can't move. As if you're paralysed, that's how I felt. Once I got onto the horse, I was completely starstuck, and then when I reached the water, fear struck instead.

One thing you don't know about me is that something I'm not proud of is that I have a fear of being in water. Aquaphobia, you call it so when I felt the cold touch of the river fear and panic struck at me like lightning.

Desperately, I tried to kick my feet up to push myself up, but the horse kept me down. I was losing breath from my lungs. I feared this day would come. I flailed my arms frantically till I tired myself out. For a river, it's very deep, so deep I lost sight of the horse, my friends of any source of hope or light. The world seemed to close on its own.

Tedros Pov
Never in the amount of time I've known Hildy had she ever looked so frightened. Not even a moment sooner. I jumped in after them, and the kelpie had her down. Uncontrollably, she flailed her arms, desperate for freedom.

The river was deep. I reached for my sword to slay the beast, but it swam back up and away. No no Hildy I swam down to carry her she wasn't moving. Hurriedly, I picked her up bridal style up to the surface. By the time we reached the top, Chaddick and Daphne were waiting in us. Chaddick reached his arms, and I gave Hildy to him.

Chaddick layed Hildy on the ground. I sat down beside her to check her pulse. No beat rate. "NO NO NO," I cried. "Is she dead?" Chaddick joined. "She's not dead, you hopeless himbos that's not even how you check a pulse." Daphne scolded us.

Chaddick and I blinked at eachother "what?" we both said "your such a dunce. Your pulse is on your wrist, not your hand." she showed us her pulse. Thankfully, she's alive. "Oh, phew, I knew that." Daphne rolled her in annoyance. "Wait, but she isn't waking up,"
"Here mate before you catch your death." Chaddick took his hood off and placed it around my shoulders.

"Thanks." I took it off my shoulders and placed it on top of Hildy so she wouldn't be cold. I didn't know anything about cpr, but I have seen it in a puppet show once. "Here, let me try something." I placed my hands in her chest and got onto my knees. "I didn't know you know cpr?" Chaddick asked. "I don't." I pressed my hands down on her chest.

Hildy sprang up, coughing water up from her mouth. "HILDEGARDE!" Daphne jumped in for a hug. Still coughing, Hildy finally spoke, "What idiot thought they could do cpr?" she coughed. All eyes gestured to me "hehe your welcome?"

"You're welcome? you nearly made me cough my lungs out. "
I looked down to the ground in embarrassment stupid. I shouldn't have pressed down so hard. After some time.

I felt Hildy lift my chin up from the ground. "But you did save my life. Therefore, I'm forever grateful and in your debt." she lightly kissed my cheek and carefully got up. Leaving me all flustered, the blood rushed to my cheeks, leaving some colour.

Daphne and Chaddick had the same flabbergasted expression. Chaddick even had to drag me up. I was that charmed by her. This can't be happening. This can't be what I'm feeling now.

"How revoltingly disgusting," a snarky voice commented

A/N, so sorry, guys, that I haven't been posting lately. I've been on holiday. I really don't like this chapter bc when I wrote it, I made it too long, and I dont like publishing really long chapters, so I split it into two parts. I also don't like the way I wrote this. But I hope all of you enjoy this.

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