Chapter 2: Let it Be

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I screwed up. Big time. I know George tried to hide his frustration at lunch after the debate, but I felt he knew that I could've done better.

"You almost had it Ringo, and I heard from George that you were good in your arguments as well." Paul reassured me as he handed me a piece of his sandwich. Paul and John were the only ones who weren't able to watch my debate, since they both had to attend a student council meeting for the soccer club, which he and John were the co- captain and captain of the team respectively.

"Thanks Paul" I munched on the half of his sandwich and said to George, who was busily working on his homework "I am really sorry George; I know you expected a lot from me, especially since we had a run through of everything last night."

George glanced up from his work and laughed "Don't worry about it Ringo. Paul is right, you were good in your speech, and it's just that the fates weren't working alongside you when you had Anna as your student judge."

"Anna? Anna Green was your student judge? Isn't that torture enough already?" Paul exclaimed in disbelief.

George grinned "You have no idea Paul on just how much Anna tortured our little Ringo here with her questions after his speech. She practically scorned his paper."

"If she wasn't the assistant editor in chief of the school paper, and such a suck up to the teachers, she wouldn't be all high and mighty in her pedestal. Thank God John is planning to break up with that cheater, she doesn't deserve any love after what she just did to John and to me as well." I said angrily as I smothered my sandwich with mustard and catsup.

"Actually John already broke up with her yesterday after band practice." Paul hesitatingly said.

I looked at him, and wasn't sure what to say. Then it took only a few moments later for it to all sink in. Anna deliberately tortured me during my speech because she was still bitter over her break up with John, so she threw all of that bitterness to me because I was John's close friend. Man-hater.

"So where's John? I thought you went with him to your meeting?" George inquired.

"Actually I went to the meeting by myself because John told me that he had some things he had to take care of with Penny."

"So you mean he didn't go to school today?" I asked

"What about Penny? Is something wrong with her?" George hurriedly asked, as he immediately piled his Geography homework aside.

"John wasn't at homeroom class awhile ago, and I am not really sure if he'll be coming to school for the afternoon classes. I already called John to ask him what was going on, but he just told me that Penny was just down with flu and he wanted to be with her for today." Paul answered

I totally understand John for skipping school just to be with his sister whom he hasn't seen in 4 years. It must be really hard for him, since from what Paul has told us, Penny had to leave her home to be with her aunt, but for reasons John wouldn't tell us until now. We all thought that maybe her aunt needed someone to look after her ever since she got sick. She came home this year because she really wanted to go home, and study at the same school with us. Her aunt must be fine by now.

SomethingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora