Incorrect quoates

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The fruity four as things me and my friends have said.

Eddie: "did you eat it with love?"
Steve: "..... I ate it with mayonnaise"

Steve: "why did you kill him?!"
Nancy: "maybe"

Eddie: "garbage macaroni"

Robin: "wemon"

Steve: "I put the homo in homophobic"

Eddie: "distracted. I bumped into a solid"

Nancy: "I have an idea! Let's kill her!"

Steve/Robin: "can we go by Arby's before we go bail him out Of jail?"

Robin: "Live laugh love peach cobbler. Smash whoever decided to put dough, peaches, and sugar in a pan and bake it"

Robin: "I only have $19 to my name. Please neither of you get thrown in jail"

Dustin: "let's play hide and seek!"
Robin: "hide and seek for Steve's audacity"

Eddie: "nothing can come between me and Ozzy Osborne"
Steve: "who's that? Some kind of anime?"

Eddie: "is water wet?"
Nancy: "no. It's Hydrophobic."
Steve: "it is?"
Eddie: "what's hydrophobic?"

Robin: "Steve are you homophobic?"
Steve: "only a little bit"

Eddie: *in a panic* "Grimace is gay and I have a theory to prove it!"
Robin: "I'm listening."

Robin: "Grapes are the gayest fruit."
Steve: "grapes are... gay?"
Robin: "Yes. Bc back in the Roman days emperors were fed grapes. And they just feel gay to me bc of that"
Eddie: "SOLD"
Eddie and Robin chanting: "Gay grapes! Gay grapes! Gay grapes!"

Eddie Munson one shotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang