I never meant to hurt you.

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My heart sinks as I read Sabrina's messages. I knew this day would come, but I had hoped it wouldn't happen so soon. With trembling hands, I type a reply.

Sabrina, please let me explain. It wasn't what it looked like. Can we talk in person?

A few agonizing minutes pass before Sabrina's response comes through.

Pookie <3 :
Fine. Meet me at our favorite café in an hour.

I let out a sigh of relief, grateful that she's willing to meet in person. As I head to the café, my mind races with thoughts of how to explain what happened. I never meant to hurt Sabrina, but the chemistry between Jack and me was undeniable, and one thing led to another.

When I arrive at the café, I spot Sabrina sitting at our usual table, her expression a mix of anger and hurt. I take a deep breath and approach her cautiously.

"Hey, Sabrina," I say softly, taking a seat across from her.

She glares at me, her eyes filled with disappointment. "Explain yourself, Elle."

I take a moment to gather my thoughts before speaking. "Its Elle. Sabrina, I never wanted to hurt you. I didn't plan for any of this to happen. It was just a scene for the movie, and I swear it didn't mean anything more than that."

Sabrina lets out a bitter laugh. "A scene for the movie? Are you kidding me? You kissed him. How can you expect me to believe that it meant nothing?"

"I know it's hard to believe, but it's the truth," I say earnestly. "You know I care about you, and I would never do anything to intentionally hurt you."

She looks away, tears glistening in her eyes. "I trusted you, Elle. You're my best friend, and you went behind my back like this?"

"I know, and I'm so sorry," I say, my voice cracking with emotion. "I never wanted things to turn out this way. I never wanted to jeopardize our friendship."

Sabrina takes a deep breath, trying to compose herself. "Do you have feelings for him?" she asks, her voice barely above a whisper.

I hesitate for a moment before answering honestly, "I don't know, Sabrina. Maybe there's a connection, but I promise you, I won't let it come between us."

She looks at me with a mix of sadness and resignation. "I need some time to process all of this," she says. "I need some space from you for a while."

I nod, feeling a lump in my throat. "I understand. Take all the time you need, Sabrina."

As I leave the café, a heavy weight settles in my chest. I never wanted to hurt Sabrina, and the thought of losing our friendship is devastating. But I also can't deny the feelings I have for Jack, and I know I need to figure things out.

In the days that follow, I give Sabrina the space she asked for. It's hard to be apart from my best friend, but I respect her need for time and try to focus on the movie and my feelings for Jack.

During one of our breaks on set, Jack approaches me, a concerned expression on his face. "How are you holding up?" he asks softly.

I give him a sad smile. "It's been tough. Sabrina is really hurt, and I don't blame her."

"I'm sorry for complicating things," he says, looking genuinely regretful.

"It's not your fault," I say, touching his arm gently. "I can't deny the connection we have, but I also can't ignore the fact that I hurt Sabrina."

He nods, understanding the gravity of the situation. " You guys will get through this, Elle."

He's so kind. I wish Sabrina would like Harry styles or something. I really like Jack but we can never be together.

Idk how I feel about this 😭

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