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After my surgery, I find myself in the hospital bed, feeling a bit groggy from the anesthesia and pain medication. Jack sits beside me, keeping me company and making sure I'm comfortable. Despite my post-surgery daze, I can't help but be amused by the funny effects of the laughing gas.

"H-hey, Jack," I say with a giggle, my voice sounding slightly slurred.

Jack chuckles softly, "Hey there, Elle. How are you feeling?"

"I feel s-strange," I reply, my head feeling light as I try to gather my thoughts. "The laughing gas was something else."

Jack grins, "You were pretty hilarious back there. You even joked that you were going to impersonate Ghostface."

"Did I?" I say, my memory foggy. "Well, maybe I should give it a try then."

As I muster all my energy, I put on my best attempt at imitating the creepy voice of Ghostface, the iconic killer from the Scream movies. "Hello, Sidney," I say dramatically, trying to suppress a giggle.

To my surprise, as I get into character, my voice takes on an eerie resemblance to Ghostface's voice from the movies. I can hardly believe it myself. The more I speak, the more confident I become, and soon enough, I'm completely immersed in the impersonation.

Jack can't contain his laughter as he records the whole thing. "Elle, this is gold! You sound exactly like him!" he exclaims between chuckles.

I can't help but laugh myself, realizing that this is turning into quite an unexpected talent. As I continue with my Ghostface impersonation, I add some playful twists and turns, bringing a comedic flair to the character.

"If you hang up on me I'll gut you like a fish!" I say, trying my best to maintain a serious tone while Jack films me.

When I'm done, I collapse back onto my hospital pillow, laughing and feeling lightheaded. "I c-can't believe I just did that," I say, feeling both embarrassed and entertained by my own actions.

"Oh, you're a natural Ghostface," Jack teases, showing me the video he recorded on his phone.

"No way, Jack! You can't post that anywhere!" I protest, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

"But it's hilarious! I'm sure people will love it," Jack insists, grinning mischievously.

"Please, just keep it between us," I plead, feeling a bit self-conscious about the video going public.

Jack looks thoughtful for a moment, then nods, "Okay, okay. I won't post it. But let's keep it as a fun memory between us."

Relieved, I give him a grateful smile. "Thank you, Jack. You're the best."

As the days pass, my foot heals, and I'm finally discharged from the hospital. Jack continues to be there for me during my recovery, making me laugh and cheering me up whenever I feel down. Our bond grows stronger, and I can't deny the warmth I feel when I'm around him.

One day, after I've fully recovered, Jack and I are hanging out at his place, reminiscing about our roller rink adventure and all the fun moments we've shared.

"You know, Elle," Jack starts, looking thoughtful. "That Ghostface impersonation of yours was seriously amazing."

I chuckle, "You really think so? It was just the laughing gas messing with my head."

"No, seriously," he insists. "I showed the video to some friends, and they loved it too. You have a talent for voice acting."

I blush at the compliment, feeling both shy and flattered. "Thanks, Jack. It was just a silly thing I did for laughs."

He shakes his head, "Nah, I think you should consider exploring that talent further. Who knows, maybe you could do some voice work for animations or movies."

I ponder his suggestion, my mind racing with possibilities. The idea of pursuing voice acting intrigues me, and with Jack's encouragement, I start looking into voice acting classes and workshops.

As weeks go by, I dive into learning the art of voice acting, honing my skills, and recording various character voices. Jack is my biggest supporter, always cheering me on and providing honest feedback.

One day, as I'm scrolling through my social media feed, I receive a message from an unknown account. Curious, I open it, and my eyes widen in surprise.

"Hello Elle! We saw your Ghostface impersonation, and we were impressed! We're currently in production for 'Scream 7,' and we think you have a unique talent that would be a perfect fit for the movie. We'd love to discuss the possibility of you being a part of the cast. Let us know if you're interested! - Paramount Plus."

I can't believe what I'm reading. My heart races with excitement and nervousness. This could be the break I've been hoping for—a chance to showcase my voice-acting skills in a major movie!

Without hesitation, I reply, expressing my interest and excitement about the opportunity. The next few days are a whirlwind of auditions, meetings, and discussions with the production team of 'Scream 7.'

Eventually, I receive the incredible news—I landed a role in the movie!

I'm loving this sm

Lmk if you guys want a story of what I want to happen In scream 7.

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