Meet the States Pt. 1

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As Canada and Germany enter the house, they notice the source of the "screaming", it was just an excited state. Before they can see who it is, someone calls out.
"Hey Uncle Canada!" Says a state in a black hoodie with a white bison on his flag.
"Oh hi… Wyoming!" If Wyoming could hear the pause in Canada's voice, he made no comment.
"I've been practicing my acrobatics? Do ya wanna see?" He says excitedly.
"Uh… Sure." Canada response. His hesitation is weaved into his words. Germany can't tell if Wyoming doesn't notice or doesn't care.
"Nice!" Wyoming gives a cheerful thumbs up before backflipping to the living room, already showing off.
"So where should we sit?" Germany asks. Wyoming quickly responds. "Sit on the brown leather couch. It's got the best angle."
Germany and Canada oblige, Canada getting a bit confused as the living room furniture has been moved around.
"I'm ready for a show." Germany says.
"Great!" Wyoming cheers. He begins to show off his expert balance. He balances on a large rubber ball.
"You guys think this is cool?" He asks. Germany and Canada agree it is before Wyoming front flips off the ball, hooking his leg on the light in the living room.
"How about this? Is it giving you the chills?" His overly-cheerful persona is sickening.
"Uh. Sure?" Canada begins questioning what's going on.
"Really? Well don't catch a cold!" Wyoming responds. "What-" is all Canada and Germany can get out before Wyoming yells "Arkansas NOW!!".

A deluge of ice water falls from above and soaks both Germany and Canada in freezing water. They both freak out for a moment, jumping off the couch before they hear a loud "YES!!!" coming from the other room. A state with a diamond on their flag, khaki suspenders, and the biggest, shit-eating grin runs in.
"Prankmaster Arkansas strikes again!!" he yells in triumph. Pulling a little victory dance, Arkansas high-fives his partner in crime, still on the light fixture, before turning around to see an angry Canada.
"Arkansas! Why the hell would you do that?!" He tries not to yell. "You're lucky my phone has a waterproof case."
"SHIT!" yells Germany. He reaches into his pocket to get out his phone. The screen stays black as he tries to turn it on. "Verdammt!" he yells.
"Well don't worry about that. California could probably help." Wyoming says. "Electronics may not be her specialty but I'm sure she knows a bit about water damage."
"Doesn't matter if she can help or not, You two are in big fucking trouble!" Canada is pissed.
Wyoming looks over his shoulder. "Not if you're too busy being mad at Mississippi."
Canada and Germany turn around to see a state with a magnolia on their flag and a karakusa-patterned shirt. He's holding two wallets. Correction, he's holding their wallets.
"Fuck off!!" Mississippi yells at Wyoming before bolting out of the room. Canada and Germany quickly follow in pursuit.
"Serves the thief right." Arkansas mutters before leaving to plan more pranks.

Quickly losing sight of the pickpocket, Canada and Germany decide to split and search the entire house. Canada decides to find the most approachable states. Vermont, Minnesota, and Montana. Luckily he doesn't need to search far.
"Uncle Canada?" a voice asks. One of the many states with a blue field in their flag walks up to him. The dorky glasses are what cues Canada in.
"Vermont? Just the state I was looking for!" Canada brings Vermont into a hug. "How's it been?"
"Pretty good. I've finished writing another book!" He says excitedly.
"That's great! Sadly I can't read it right now. Mississippi just stole my wallet." Canada apologizes.
"Yeah, that's normal for him." Vermont grumbles. "I'm not gonna be able to help. I've been hanging out with Montana and Minnesota and none of us have seen him"
Canada perks up at the mention of his other favorites. "Oh! Where are they?" he asks.
"They're in the study. I just came out to fetch some snacks. Didn't know you were already here. Where's Germany?" he asks.
"We split up to search for Mississippi." Canada answers.
"Makes sense. I have one more question for you. Why are your clothes wet?" Vermont questions. "Your hug was a lot colder than it usually is."
"Oh yeah. About that. Arkansas pranked us." Canada's pride takes a hit.
"He does that to everyone. I'm gonna grab some snacks, how about we meet back in the study?" Vermont says before walking off.

As Vermont walks into the kitchen, he sees his siblings talking to Germany. Better grab the snacks and head back.
Louisiana, a state with a pelican on her flag and a wardrobe resembling a chef, is currently discussing dinner plans with Germany.
"I've already gotten the ingredients for fettuccine alfredo ready, so we're doing that tonight, and sauerbraten takes days to make and I don't have everything for that right now, so that's off the table." Louisiana says to a dissapointed Germany.
"That sucks." Germany laments.
"Do you have any desserts you want? I could make one of those." Louisiana asks why consoling Germany.
"Can you make black forest gateau?" He asks.
"Oh. I'm not that good at baking. Luckily Colorado is!" she cheerfully replies before yelling "YO!! Colorado, get in here!"
"What do you want?!" says a state with a big red letter c on his flag and green beanie as he walks in.
"I need someone who knows how to bake! Germany wants a cake for dessert!" Louisiana yells as Colorado sits down. On closer inspection, Germany realizes that his beanie isn't fully green, it just has a pattern of marijuana leaves on it.
"Oh. That should be easy. If we have the right ingredients that is." Colorado says.

Vermont gets back to the study to find his uncle and siblings chatting away. Montana, a state with a blue flag spelling out her name and brown hiking boots, is currently updating her uncle on her recent hiking escapades. Minnesota, with her hockey jersey and similar blue flag, is busy adding events to her phone's calendar. Presumably hockey matches against her uncle.
"Hey guys, I'm back!" Vermont chirps as attention is directed onto him. "I've got chips!"
"Ooo sweet what flavor?" Montana asks.
"Well, for you I got sour cream & onion." Vermont tosses the chips at Montana.
"Sweet!" she says as she opens the bag.
"Next, for Minnesota, you get salt & vinegar." Vermont gives the chips to Minnesota.
"Would've preferred Utz but Cape Cod 'll do." responds Minnesota.
"For Uncle Canada I got ketchup." Vermont gives his uncle the bag.
"Didn't I give you these chips last time I was here?" He questions.
"Yeah but like, no-one here likes them. Barbecue is the superior flavor!" Vermont's words receive annoyed glares from his sisters as he sits down with his chips. Canada thanks Vermont followed by a half-hearted thanks from Minnesota and Montana.
"So, have any of you guys seen Mississippi around? He stole my wallet." Canada asks.
"I wish! That motherfucker took my backpack!" Montana bemoans. "Luckily dad made him give it back before he left but I still wanna make him regret it."
"If I had to hazard a guess, he probably escaped through the vents. He's always sneaking around through them." Minnesota says. "The closest exit to the foyer entrance outside of the living room is the kitchen." She continues.
"He can't be there. I saw Germany there when I went to get the chips." Vermont says.
"Well, then maybe the sunroom? But if he exited there the only way out that isn't through the kitchen is outside." Minnesota concludes.
"Well thanks for the help you three. I'll check outside later." Canada says as he opens up his bag of chips.
"No problem. We're always happy to help our favorite uncle!" Montana smiles.

Meanwhile in the kitchen, Germany, Colorado, and Louisiana are checking to make sure they have all the ingredients they need.
"Let's see. We've got the sugar, the flour, the cocoa powder, the baking soda AND baking powder, and almost everything else on this list." Colorado says, reading off a list of ingredients Germany gave him. Germany being pretty picky on what goes into his cakes.
"Well that's good isn't it?" Louisiana asks.
"I said almost everything. We only have half a bottle of cherry liqueur left." Colorado says. "We need cherry liqueur for cherry liqueur syrup. And a lot to feed everyone."
"Oh, well I've got that issue solved!" says Louisiana. "I'm pretty sure I told Westie that we're running low. Back when I gave him and Wisconsin a list of shit we needed."
"Oh well that's good." Germany says. "Should I help you guys cook?"
"Well I'll be making a completely different dish, and with Colorado making cake that's already two cooks in the kitchen." Louisiana states. "As if you don't know, having someone else in the kitchen while you're cooking is already aggravating."
"You can help us prepare though. If you could grab the ingredients that'd be nice." Colorado adds.
"Alright!" Germany goes into the pantry and begins getting ingredients. After getting out the sugar and the flour, Germany goes for the oil before knocking a bottle on the floor, shattering it into pieces.
"SHIT!!" he yells as a big shard of glass gets embedded in his leg. "Scheiße!"
Louisiana and Colorado rush into the pantry after hearing Germany yell.
"Holy fuck are you ok?!" Colorado screams.
"Maybe we should take you to the infirmary." Louisiana says with concern.
"But I'm supposed to watch you guys?" Germany responds.
"Don't worry, we have an infirmary here. Shit like this happens a lot." Colorado comforts him.
"Hey Rado, can oil cause infections?" Louisiana asks.
"Fuck if I know. Help me carry him." Colorado says as he picks up Germany, Louisiana helping to bring the bleeding country to medical care.

(AN: This didn't turn out as well as I wanted it to, but I'm just glad I'm writing.)

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