Chapter 18

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"Perfect! Just like that, keep your eyes closed. This won't take long..."

"Wait, what are you -"

   Axel grabbed my wrists and held them above my head. "I just need to make sure you won't escape, darling." He cooed. I rolled my eyes. He then put a blindfold over my eyes and continued what he was doing. He then forces my mouth open and pours water into it. After a few minutes of silence, he spoke up. "How are you feeling, darling?" He asked. "I... don't know. I feel dizzy and... kinda hot. I feel like I'm burning up." He smirked. "Oh really?" He began.

   "How would you feel if I did this," He caressed my cheek in his right hand, slowly moving his hand down my body. I shiver slightly from the feeling of his hands running down my body. I tried to refuse his touch, but I couldn't; for some reason, my body wouldn't move. "S-stop this, mm. Axel, please, ahh!" I tried my best to keep my mouth shut, but I couldn't. Being blindfolded didn't help either. it just made me more sensitive.

   "Oh, God. That's the reaction I was looking for!" He smirked. "What did you do to me - mm!" He laughs. "Have you ever heard of Aphrodisiac?" He waits for me to answer, but I don't. "Aphrodisiac is a substance that brings out a persons true sexual desire. As it has done to you." He clasps his hands together in satisfaction. "I mean, look at you," he brushes the back of his hand against my cheek. "Falling into deep submission over the smallest bit of affection." He says as I lean into his touch. I don't want to, I don't want to be this weak, but I can't help it. Please, someone, anyone, help me.

   "I'm going to untie you now, ok?" Axel asks. "I just need you to follow me, ok?" He was talking to me as if I'm a five year-old. I tried to struggle and get away from him. "We will not be having that. Stay still, or else." He softly grabbed my hand. "Mmh! Let me go... please. I don't like this." I jumped in shock. "Sorry, darling. I forgot that you were still sensitive. Don't worry, though. I'm just taking you to my room." I couldn't tell what his facial expression was. 

   Once we get to his room, he sits me down on his bed. I keep an upset look on my face in hopes that he won't do anything. "Why do you look so upset?" I don't answer. "Oh." I could hear the frown in his voice, but stayed strong. "I didn't think you would have this type of attitude." I hear his footsteps getting closer, and he takes off my blindfold. "What do you expect me to do, Ko? Hmm?" He stares at me. I can see the sadness in his eyes. "Well," I begin. "First off, I expected you to answer my texts and calls. But that doesn't matter anymore. That's the past. For right now... I would say that I expect you to let me go." I avoid eye contact with him. "You should've expected this, Axel. You expect that after two years of you abandoning me, I would just accept everything, including you?" I wait a moment to see if he would answer.


   "There's your answer. I've moved on. Of course, part of me still loves you, but the rest of me can't get over the fact that you abandoned me." I stand up with the small bit of energy I have, but fail. Axel's fists clench, and he speaks up. "Part of me knew you wouldn't take me back." He chuckles. "But I had hope. Part of me," He starts pacing slowly. "Part of me wished that you would. Haven't I already apologized enough?" He looks at me with pleading eyes, causing tears to fall from my own. This causes my heart to throb in a way I've never felt. I can't tell if it's a positive or negative throb. I just know that... I want to forgive him.

   "Look, Axe. As much as I should say no to you, I can't help the fact that you were my first friend. I also can't help the fact that you were my first love." An idea pops into my head. "How about this?" He looks up at me with hopeful eyes. "How about we forget all of this, and you can come with me to earn your hero license. With the money you earn, you could help the young and struggling people in our home team. Please, we can make this right, and no one has to be killed." I grab his hands in mine. "Are you sure? I could help them all?" He asks. I giggle. "Of course you could! The only thing is, before we do that, how do I get rid of the effects of this thing?" We share a laugh. "I'm serious, though. Help me get rid of it." I demand. "Well, the effects will only wear off after you, uh, y'know. Or you can just deal with the high arousal, and it'll wear off in about 2 and a half hours." His face flushes, and he looks away. "Okay. I've been here for about three and a half days, so Touya should be here any-"

   "HAAAAA!" Right on cue, my boyfriend bursts through the wall. "Hi babe." I say sweetly. "Hey, can't talk right now. Too busy trying to save you!" He shouts.




   "Oh my God!!! How long have you been there?! Who's this? Who do I need to kill?!" He starts going on a spiral of questions. I walk up to him and splash water in his face. "Gah! What the hell'd you do that for?!" He asked. "You wouldn't shut up! I had to do something." I reply. "To answer your questions; This is Axel Caruso. My ex-boyfriend." I start to brace for a scream. "Your WHAT?!" There it is. "Don't worry, this was before I met you. We talked over some things, and everything's alright now. He will actually be coming with us back to U.A." I brace for another scream, but get nothing. "So you can call Uncle Yagi, Enji, my brother, and whoever else is out there."

   I sprout my forest wings that are covered in pale purple flowers. I create a megaphone out of vines and shout. "You can all come out now. I'm not dead or anything, come on, let's go home!" They all fly out and engulf me in a hug. Or at least my brother and Uncle Yagi did, Enji stayed out of it until my brother puled him into it. "I'm so glad you're okay, sis!" My brother shouted. "Ok, lil bro. Stop hugging me before I pop!" I complain. "Ok! Ok!"

   I flew back inside to grab Axel when I realized something. "Axe, where's Max?" I ask. "I'm...!" He yells out of breath. I was taking a stroll outside when I saw you and came back as quickly as I could! Whoo!" Me and Axel laughed. "Come on, you're coming too, Max!" I grabbed them both by their torsos and flew up to join everyone else. "Alright, I'm ready. Let's go back home!" They all nod and prepare themselves to fly. "Umm, what are you all doing?" I ask. They all share the same look of confusion. "I found out this new part of my quirk, watch!"

   I land down on the ground and activate my darkness element. I steady my feet on the ground, hold my hands out in front of me, and focus on where I want to go: U.A. High. I open my eyes and see a portal right in front of me. "Come on, everyone! It's safe, I promise you. Touya, come on." He looks at me in disbelief. "If we both test it together, we'll both end up in the same spot." I walk into the portal and reach my arm out to him. He eventually grabs it, and we both walk through. The portal felt like cold pudding. When we reached the other side, we were at U.A., and I went back through the portal and stuck out a thumbs up to signal everything was okay. Everyone else walked through and was amazed. "Good job, Aiko! You have excelled to the point of quick transportation!" Uncle Yagi praises my skills. "Thanks, Uncle. Can I excuse myself?" He nods. "Touya, let's go. Now!" I grab him by his wrist and drag him through another portal. "Max, Axel, I'll meet up with you in a bit. Go inside and look for a man named Nezu. He'll get you set up, bye!"

~The end~

*Hi luvs! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, bye!*

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