Chapter 6: Are you jealous?!

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   Recap: Me and Touya met Rumi-senpai. A third year with the abilities of a rabbit for her quirk. While me and her were talking, Touya seemed a bit mad, or some other emotion, I just can't think of it. It'll come to me soon enough.

   "Touya Todoroki, where do you think you're dragging me!?" I ask as I use my lightning to shock him. He then finally lets go of me. "I'm dragging you to class, dumbass! You were sitting there talking to our upperclassman all googly-eyed, that you didn't notice that we're late to class!" He says annoyed. 

   "Okay first off, don't call me dumbass unless you want me to seprate yours from your body! Two, I was not googly-eyed, you're just jealous that I'm giving someone more attention then I give you! Third, why are you standing there, we gotta hurry, we're all ready late!"I say poking the side of his face.

   "That's what I just- you know what? Nevermind, let's go." He says chuckling as he races behind me.

   After school me and Touya raced home together, since after we moved we ended up close to their house. "Ha! I win!" Touya said as he laughs annoyingly. "Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, blue boy. Anyways, good luck on your training after school. Believe me, you're gonna need it if you wanna surpass me!" I say as I walk inside my house laughing mockingly. 

Touya POV:

   I hate it when she does that everytime I have training with my dad. Ever since we had a rematch in the quarterfinals (Like the Deku Vs Todoroki match, just you and Touya. Without the trauma, just fighting) and she won, she never let me live that down. As I walk in my house and take off my shoes, my father stands right in front of me and says "Touya, change into something comfortable, we're going to Sokoto Peak." He says as I light up with excitement and run to my room to change.

   I changed into a gray tanktop and some black sweatpants. "Alright father, I'm ready to go!" I said as I put on my shoes. As we started up the steep hill of Sokoto Peak my father states "I've always had good, fond memories from this place. I hope your prepared, for this will be your hardest training yet. I plan to make this a personal hell throughout the next year of training for you." He says looking right into my eyes with total seriousness. "Ha! Yeah right, Dad!" I say thinking it was a joke. "I already know the harsh conditions of Sokoto Peak, how much worse could you make it?" I say laughing nervously as my father gets all up in my face ("Don't get all up in my grill again!" Hahaha, I'm sorry!) and says "Believe me son. Much harder."

   Then my fathers eyes start to glow and fire starts to pour out of his eyes "Oh really?" he says as he shoots rays of fire towards me. I dodge them easily while the tree behind me gets split in half. "WOAH! What was that for, dude?!" I say confused. It seemed like my dad just tried to kill me! "You said it yourself. You know just how harsh this training area can be, I'm simply testing your abilities." He says calmly as if he didn't do anything just now.

   "As of today, I will show you how to be a hero seriously instead of just playing around. Until now, you've been training your quirk in safe and steady environments, but today, Endeavor isn't the hero or the father you know him as. He's Hideki, the villain, your job is to dodge my attacks at any cost and defeat me like the hero you aspire to be. Until can defeat me, we will do this everyday until you do!" My father says looking very... what's the word for it?

... Oh! I know: Villainous!

   "Ha! You can't be serious! That would mean burning down the whole forest, when that comes down to it." I say trying to laugh it off. "I bought this whole forest so that doesn't matter anymore." My father says as he shoots another blast at me! I can't believe he's actually serious with this. I dodge the blast yet again still shocked.

   "I'm not sure if you noticed Touya, but those last two attacks were slow on purpose. When I finish counting down from 10, everything, and i mean EVERYTHING will be an actual battle." As he starts counting I use my fire to blast me through the forest to get away from my da- no, Hideki. "I gotta get away from him! If I take this lightly, I'll be in for it!" I say repeatedly as I blast through the forest, keeping my flames quiet. I then hear my dad say "1." I keep going as I feel a chill down my spine as i turn around and see Hideki as he punches me with a literal firey fist. "AAGGHH!" I yell as I hit a tree that wasn't far from me. 

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