Chapter 3

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    Over the past week, Touya has met you and your little brother and is now practicing to be able to fight you and come up victorious! The fight is in 1 more week and you two must be prepared!

Touya POV:

   "I have to be able to win against Aiko! OOH! I know, I'll go to Sokoto Peak to train! I used to always see my dad practice there! Maybe the temperature and weather helps him with his quirk somehow? Maybe it can help me too! By training there I can beat Aiko and surpass my dad! Hee Hee!" I said to my self as I got ready to go train. It was early in the morning so no one, not even my dad was awake. I set out to Sokoto peak right away!

   Why is the snow so thick! I think to myself as I use my quirk to heat my feet to melt the snow. "This is the spot where I shall train! I know that my heat control is great! This will be perfect!" 

   *Meanwhile at the Todoroki residence Fuyumi and Rei are nervous as Enji walks through the door. It's night time btw*

"Welcome home sweetie. Hope you had a good day, but we have a problem. We can't find Toya!" Enji starts to panic as he races around their house trying to find him. "Touya! Touya!" He yells as he runs through the house opening every door. "Mom, dad, I think I know where big brother went." Fuyumi says as they stare at ther wide-eyed and scared. "Touya told me earlier that he was gonna go up to Sokoto Peak for some solo training while you were at work, Dad."

   As Enji burns his hero suit through his house clothes, he gets ready to run out of the house when he almost runs over Touya who was about to open the door.

   He doesn't have any shoes on and his pants are burned a bit. He looks like he was in a pit of fire!

   Scared to death Enji asks his son who hurt him, thinking that a villain did this. On the other hand Rei is asking Touya where his shoes are and aren't his feet cold from the cold weather.

"I'm fine Mom and Dad, but look at this!" he says as he focuses really hard and fire forms around his feet like his shoes. As he walks into the house Rei is nervous, thinking that the carpet will burn into ash...

But nothing happens.

   "This is what I wanted to show you! That I'm finally catching up to you, Endeavor!" I say with a proud look on my face. "That's wonderful, look at what you learned while I wasn't around! Seems like I'm gonna have to watch out for you before you surpass me any day now!" My dad says as I form a tiny fire mustache on my face. "But..." He says looking all serious, "Who gave you permission to be out this late?" He says. Now I know I'm in trouble.

   All of a sudden I lose control of my fire and actualy start burning the carpet! My mother tells me to move as she uses her quirk to save the carpet.

   The next day-around noon- my father sends me to his room and tells me, "Being a hero is a dangerous, and difficult path. It could pull you away from the ones you cherish the most, you'll see some horrible things, and at the end of the day, there might not be anyone to say 'Thank you'. What I'm trying to say is you can never fail the people you wish to protect as a hero, and you, more than anyone else, have to excel.

   Tell me right here and right now, what is it that you want to be? What do you want to do with your life?" And 13 year old Me hearing this, I stand in a fighting stance, heart full of pride and say "I want to be... A HERO! I don't have to be the best out there, but I-" My dad cuts me off and says "No. You DO have to be the best. Better than me, and better than All Might."

   "Wait, better then All Might? But how?" My father then reassures me that he will help me as much as he needs to along this path. "With a good teacher to help you hone your skills, unlike my no good father, you can achieve your destiny. For today I will start training you for the entrance exam to U.A. High!"

   "REALLY?! COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!!" And with that, me and my father grew closer but farther at the same time. But before we started training it was time for dinner. And from that day on my father started training me.

   I wonder if Aiko is training for the entrance exams too? I thought to myself, little did I know that was not something I should be thinking about. For it would become my downfall.

~The end~

Toya Todoroki x !Fem reader New Beginnings Book 1Where stories live. Discover now