Chapter 10: Our first date

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Your POV:

   I woke up and felt something hugging me. I look down and...


   I sit there blushing like a maniac and try to remember what happened to the point where we ended up like this. After a few minutes I remember that it went something like this...

   It was the last day of my training and I was fighting Touya, Rumi, and my baby brother all at once! I used my light lasso to restrain my brother to keep him down for the time being. With him dealt with for now, I remain all my focus on Rumi and Touya as they both start charging towards me. Since Rumi's a little faster I go after her first. I use my Windy Wings to fly up and blow them away. Usually I would expect Touya to fly up and use his fire sword but he didn't. Instead he helps Rumi up as she tries to Roundhouse kick me down, which I dodge with ease.

   'Okay, that's gonna be a problem. Better put an end to that.' I thought to myself as I summoned my darkness and trapped my boyfriend in the dark. 'Alright I have two minutes, better make this quick!' I rush over towards Rumi using my lightning and at the speed of light I strike her in three different spots. Once I finish and go back to where I was, I see her fall to the ground like a ragdoll. Then my little brother finally gets out of his restraints "Took you long enough bird brain!" I say as I transfer to Forest Wings and from then on, it's a fight between birds. Shooting our feathers/leaves at each other until one is done for.

   The fight seems to be going on forever but it's only been a whole three minutes. (It's been one minute since you put Touya in the dark) As Keigo flies towards me I trap him in vines to block his path as I quickly make up a plan.


   Since me and Kei both have bird abilities it's no use to just keep shooting at each other, and I'm not going to kill him or burn his wings, that's just not fair. I only have one more thing in mind!

(Back to the fight)

   I use my Lightning Speed once more to speed out of the arena and head to one particular place. 




   Once I get the food I speed back while holding out one chicken leg. I look down as Kei sniffs the air, and like an eagle, he zooms up and tries to grab the chicken. "Uh uh. You only get the chicken if you surrender." I say smirking as he pouts. "Fine! You play real dirty, sis." He says as he starts snarfing down the chicken. Once he finishes I hear Touya scream. "Finally! Aiko, you're gonna pay for that!" I fly away quickly before he could get to me, but he still catches me. He grabs me from behind and throws me down to the ground. I land with a large 'BOOM!'. 

   As I sit up I realize that he broke one of my ribs. I was fine though, my water ability was healing it pretty quickly. Speaking of my water ability, Touya hasn't seen me train with it at all, and I have a few tricks up my sleeve. I then fly over to Touya and summon a big wave, with a twist. Instead of it just being a normal wave that goes anywhere, it follows him and him only. 

   As Touya tries to fly above it, it gets bigger. He tries to fly away from it but it keeps going. From a high distance I just watch, and try to predict what he'll do next. As expected he tried to use his fire to make the water evaporate, but that didn't work this time. It went right through his flames and soaked the life out of him. Normally, he would be able to dry himself off, but with this wave, that wasn't the case! 

Toya Todoroki x !Fem reader New Beginnings Book 1Where stories live. Discover now