First Week - Part 2

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First Week - Saturday


The Nekoma Volleyball club had a early practice that morning...

As it was still dark and cold out when Shibayama woke up in his boyfriend, Naoyasu Kuguri's arms...

Kuguri knew that his adorable tiny boyfriend needed to leave early that day, so he prepared everything for Shibayama...

They had know each other for a long time as their parents were friends...

Shifting a little to slide out of Kuguri's arms, Shibayama let his eyes adjust a bit before deciding to get up and eat then change...

Quietly opening his bedroom door, Shibayama made his way down the cold, quiet dark hallway and headed down stairs...

His parents had left for a business trip Thursday this week. They were fully aware that their son was dating Kuguri. In fact, they were the ones who asked if Kuguri could stay with Shibayama for the month that they would be away...

he walked into the kitchen, turned on the light, and placed a slice of toast in the toaster...

After the toast was done, the crunch of the hot toast was the loudest noise in the house...

Turning off the light, he started making his way back to his bedroom (via the bathroom) to get changed and get ready for the day...

(He went to the bathroom to use it and brush his teeth and brush his hair and what not)

Dressed for the day, Shibayama look back at a now awake Kuguri...

Kuguri opened his arms up as Shibayama shivered from the cold air and cold clothes that were now on his body...

Accepting the warm out stretched arms of his boyfriends, Shibayama and Kuguri cuddled until the alarm on Shibayama's phone went off...

Starting to turn to move away, Shibayama was quickly pulled back for a soft, quick kiss...

It was only after the second alarm of Shibayama's phone that he knew he was late and pulled away...

Grabbing his stuff, he rushed to the front door (no lights on), he faintly read the word 'volleyball club' on the jacket that was hung up, grabbing it and throwing it on...

The Nekoma Volleyball Club had agreed to have a weekend practice that day at the school gym, so within the first thew seconds of him entering the gym, he felt something was off as...

For a start, everyone was staring at him...

Shibayama looked around, no one was standing behind him as the whole team was in the gym already. And with turning back, Shibayama noticed Yaku, who had a Tired Lev cuddling him...

Yaku was the only one on Nekoma's team who knew about Shibayama and Kuguri 's relationship. So the fact that Yaku was singling to him to look down shot a nervous and fast look at the jacket he wore...

The jacket was long/big and coloured green. The words 'Nohebi Volleyball Club' stood out like a sore thumb...

Looking up to notice that Kuroo was now standing in front of him with a questioning/curious and annoyed look in his eyes...

Looking down, Shibayama slowly took off the jacket and handed it to the hand that was in-front of him...

Looking away as Kuroo read the name 'Naoyasu Kuguri' out loud for the team to hear...

Looking up at his team, the nods and looks of approval calmed his nerves...

He wasn't scared of them finding out his preference, as basically all the members from Nekoma and the other volleyball teams were some what the same...

('Gay' or 'likes/into' just sounds to strong/forward/direct and exclusive, EVEN if thats my terminology and what I would say)

He was just glad that his team mates seemed to be fine and ok with Kuguri...

But, he still had a feeling that they fully didn't trust Kuguri as he was from Nohebi...


Ayup, still have no idea where this story might go...

Stay Safe

Over A Month - Kugushiba (Haikyuu)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora