Chapter 21 - Wrath of the Thunder God

Start from the beginning


_"These...these warriors...these are my sisters..."

So these dead warriors were the other valkyries? Sigma gasped upon hearing that. Although they had obviously fought with all their strength, the guardians of Valhalla had all perished against the chaotic hordes, surely far more numerous than them. Enary quickly descended the grassy slope, followed by Sigma, to rejoin the battlefield and began to survey the surroundings in silence, in search, in a somewhat mad hope, of a survivor among her sisters. But in vain, none of them moved, their armor bearing significant damage and traces of blood, proving the violence of the attacks they had suffered. Heart heavy at the loss, Enary fell to his knees in the middle of the battlefield, and Sigma came to support her with a hand on her shoulder.

_"I... am sorry, my love..." the human woman said, sincerely.

_"I should have been there..." Enary sighed sadly with a feeling of guilt. "Even if I had been banished, even if I had dishonored our oath, I should have been there to protect my sisters."

Sigma could only empathize and understand the feeling of her girlfriend, she who also during her military career had seen so many comrades die without being able to save them. This was the harsh reality of soldiering, and monsters and humans alike they all had to live with it. Kneeling beside Enary, Sigma looked her in the eye with support. But they couldn't continue their conversation when suddenly the menacing sound of thunder rumbled with resonance and a blue lightning exploded and hit the ground not far from them, surprising them for the moment. Straightening up, Enary and Sigma remained close as the lightning continued to surge and explode all around them, as if almost encircling them and a mighty stormy wind magically rising up. Sigma was very worried, like Enary, but the valkyrie also seemed to recognize this kind of phenomenon, and it didn't reassure her at all. Eventually, their attention was drawn to one direction.

About thirty meters from them, stood a solitary form. Humanoid, he was very tall, even taller than Mr. Lordi. A body both imposing, stocky and paunchy, dressed in a Viking outfit and pieces of armor, a black fur cape on the back and a hood on the head hiding his face, leaving only two blue eyes to be seen in the darkness and crackling with electric sparks. The lightning also exploded all around him without touching him, as if he could control their points of impact. Without waiting, Enary moved in front of Sigma to protect her, showing a look that was both hard, but also imbued with... fear? Sigma had a hard time conceiving it... Enary, usually so imperturbable, fierce and firm, showed uncertainty.

_"Who... who is it?" Sigma asked.

Enary could not answer as she seemed upset, but the answer was quickly given when the tall man parted his cloak to one side, revealing at his tanned leather belt an imposing finely forged hammer, covered with Nordic runes. The man brought one of his hands to the hammer, the electricity crackling from both seeming to connect. Sigma's heart leapt in her chest and her eyes widened as she guessed who he was, failing to believe it even seeing it with her own eyes.

_"It is..."

_"Yes, that's him... Thor." Enary breathed darkly.

The god of thunder himself! Son of Odin and Jörd, protector of Asgard. One of the most powerful gods, but also one of the most violent and impulsive, and this, Enary could confirm it, having already served under him in battle and having witnessed his strength and brutality in combat.

_"But... no, that's impossible... He can't have Mjolnir. Genesis has the hammer, we saw it in their artifact galleries." Sigma said, confused.

_"A fake." replied Enary, who had guessed. "A replica, surely forged long ago by mortal smiths bent on creating a divine weapon. In vain. No mortal could lay their hands on the true hammer."

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