Chapter 14 - The Soldier from the Future

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Hella and Mathias had driven for hours in the middle of the deserted and desolate plains of hell, without seeing the end of it. The couple had decided to take a little break and while they looked in all directions hoping to find some way back to the human world, the little hunchbacked demon Gurash, now their servant, was busy checking the engine of the Hell-Razor car.

_"Pfff, red rock and ash as far as the eye can see..." Hella sighed, contemplating the horizon. "Really, this dimension only inspires me with disgust."

_"Anyway, if hell was a dream vacation destination, it would be known." said Mathias, shrugging his shoulders.

Hella chuckled softly at her boyfriend's remark and thanked him for trying to relax her a bit, even though he himself was a little tense about the situation. She then returned to the Hell-Razor.

_"Well, Gurash?" she asked.

_"Everything is fine, mistress." replied the demon, wiping his forehead, his face covered in dirt. "The engine of this machine looks completely indestructible. It could go through all hell without stopping once."

Hella seemed satisfied with this news. Meanwhile, Mathias had continued to observe the surroundings carefully, then finally saw a thin thread of black smoke rising from behind an ashen hill a few kilometers away.

_"Look there." he said to the other two who then looked on.

_"What do you think it could be?" Hella asked coming to his side. "It's too small to be a fire... Looks like... smoke from a campfire."

_"Correct, and who says campfire, says presence of intelligent life form." added Mathias with a smile. "We should go see what it is."

Hella was rather lukewarm about this idea.

_"In this place, all you are likely to encounter are wandering demons, and we know very well that they are not the most helpful creatures." pointed out the scarbie, rightly.

_"It's true." replied Mathias, understanding his girlfriend's mistrust. "But what other choice do we have? Besides, it's rather them who should be afraid."

With those last words, he showed his ring of hell on his finger, not to mention that he silently mentioned both of their powers. Hella smiled softly, then nodded. The couple and their demon servant returned to the Hell-Razor which with a mechanical roar and a burst of flame from its exhaust pipes started up again, kicking up clouds of dust and ash in its wake.

It only took a few minutes for the monstrous car to cover the distance and when they reached the top of the ash hill, the couple could see the source of this smoke. A large dark fabric tent was erected there, in the middle of nowhere, and was letting out a thin stream of smoke through the hole in its top. Along with that smoke also came a smell... of grilled meat?

More than intrigued, Mathias and Hella looked at each other then decided together to go and have a look, asking Gurash to stay here and watch the vehicle and warn them in case of danger. Taking their weapons in hand as a precaution, the couple walked side by side to the entrance of the tent and slowly parted the curtain to peek inside.

It was a veritable bazaar of objects of all kinds, hanging from ropes or stored in boxes or bags and large carpets covering the floor. In a golden container was burning a little incense. In the center of the tent was a large steaming pot from which emanated this rather pleasant smell of meat. But what surprised Mathias and Hella the most was the occupant of the tent, sitting on a pile of cushions behind the pot and busy checking the cooking. A merchant, imposing and obese, whom they knew only too well. The Baron!

_"Ha ha, well, how we meet again!" exclaimed the big merchant demon, raising his eyes to the couple, still on that jovial tone and showing his carnivorous smile.

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