Hell, if James potter, of all people knew he was a bad guy, then he was probably a bad guy. However, all of this was not the reason that Adelaide did not need an apology.

Her and James' relationship was complicated.

For one, they didn't have a relationship. And for two, well... no. That's it.

Ever since first year, the two did not get along. First, it was over seats on the train to the school.

Before James ever saw Lily, he saw Elaine. Eleven year old James thought that Elaine Pettigrew was the most beautiful girl on the planet.

Eleven year old James told eleven year old Adelaide to move so he could sit next to Elaine.

She obviously declined, as all the other carts were full and if she were to move to the bench across small room, she would have had to sat next to eleven year old Sirius.

And eleven year old Adelaide was terrified of boys.

Sixteen year old Adelaide is terrified of boys.

That small interaction (James telling Addy to move, and Addy absolutely not moving) catapulted the hatred towards each other in the years to come.

Once James Potter saw Lily Evans, and thus — forgetting about his so-called love of his life, he turned even more evil than he was before.

Twelve year old James Potter literally pushed Adelaide onto the ground in order to catch up to Lily.

Thirteen year old James potter pulled a prank on Adelaide (to the rest of the marauders disproval), where each time she put on her clothing items, they would flip backwards on her.

Fourteen year old James got Adelaide a month's worth of detention for something that was not her fault, but we will not go into detail just yet.

Fifteen year old James attempted, and almost got away with getting the Hogwarts express to leave without Adelaide. He threw her favorite stuffed elephant she takes with her every year, Eli, back through the wall that got you into platform 9 & ¾. She obviously had to go get him, and got into the train while it was moving.

And currently, at sixteen years old, James had said some harsh words about Adelaide and her fresh ex boyfriend.

But, looking through this list, this is definitely not the worst thing James had done to the girl. So why should she get an apology for this seemingly minuscule act when he has never apologized before?

James huffed, looking forward at Lily, then back towards Adelaide, who was sat watching with a raised eyebrow.

James sighed, pushed his chair back and stomped over towards the petite brunette. "Adelaide," He began, seeming as though he was actually struggling to get the words to come out of his mouth. "I am sorry for the words I said this morning."

It was as if everything paused. Sirius was grinning ear to ear, excited to see how this would play out. Remus hit his hand on his head, knowing how this would turn out, along with Elaine who scratched her head in anticipation. Peter was looking slightly less interested, but still listening as he ate his mashed potatoes that he took from the cafeteria.

SOMEBODY TO LOVE - JAMES POTTERWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt