Chapter 20

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Andy tucked Chad back into bed, then joined Jill, Sam, Dick and the Beatles outside the building.

She faced Sam, who was holding Kristen in her tight embrace.


"Yeah, Andy?"

"Chad's peeved at the boys for Idina's arrest."

"I know."

"So are you sure he can trust you?" said Andy.

"Honestly... no" said Sam.

John looked at Kristen's lips. "I know he can't. What happened to her?"

"It's washable marker. It's fine" said Sam.

"And Chad shouldn't be mad at Calvin now. Idina said she wasn't the one driving" said Andy.

"What?" said Sam.

"I told him we'd figure this out at the restaurant. That means... the cops are gonna need a separate table" said Andy.

"As long as Dick can join it. This is our date" said Sam.

"Fine. But it's gonna be harder to watch Kristen" said Andy.

"We'll do it, Andy. She'll be great with us" said John.

"Are you sure? I don't want Chad losing his trust in you lads either" said Sam.

"We're positive, luv. We'll even get the marker off her face" said George.

"I sure hope so. Chad's sick enough as it is" said Dick.

"Chad's sick?" said Paul.

"Yeah. Pretty bad. I haven't seen flu like that since your Day By Day interview" said Sam.

"And I haven't seen tonsillitis like Meg's since I read about Ringo's in the paper" said Andy.

"Don't remind me" said Ringo.

"So that's why the kids are watching those two rebels" said George.

"Hardly rebels in Idina's case" said Andy.

"But in Kristen's case, yeah. You lads sure you can do it?" said Sam.

"Of course, Sam. You just worry about Idina" said Paul.

"I really hope you mean that. Chad's angry enough at Sam" said Dick.

"Well, we really can't try it unless we get to the restaurant. The reservation's at four and we're already running late" said John.

So off they went to the Kappa Maki restaurant. 

Sam reluctantly gave Kristen to the Beatles and joined Dick and her crew at the table next to them, so she could still see the girl. 

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