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It was now a cold Saturday morning after it rained the whole night, and you woke up earlier than usual. You decided that since it was still really early and your parents were still sleeping, you could just go and take the dog out on a walk. You were just walking around the neighborhood at 6:30 a.m. in the morning, empty streets, complete silence. London was really enjoyable when there's no one to bother you. The enjoyable silence was then interrupted by a phone call on your phone.

"Hey, why aren't you sleeping?" she asked the caller

"I always wake up this early." -caller

"Even during the weekend? God forbid." Y/N said while chuckling

"I just enjoy waking up early, seeing the sunrise and all that." -caller
"Why aren't you sleeping?"

"I don't know, I guess I just couldn't sleep anymore and decided to go on a walk with my dog." -Y/N

"You're out in the streets during this weather?" -caller

"Yeah, It's pretty relaxing." -Y/N

"Just don't catch a cold. I wouldn't want you to miss our date on Sunday." -caller

"Alright, alright. Don't worry, I'll be there." -Y/N

They had chatted for a pretty long time before Y/N arrived home.

"Alright, I'll come by your house in a few hours with your ticket. Sounds good?" -caller

"Yeah, sounds great. Can't wait to see you." -Y/N

"Can't wait to see you too. Bye, Y/N!"

"Bye, Martinelli!" -Y/N said as she hung up the phone

As she went inside, she could see her mom waiting for her.

"Where were you? And who's Martinelli?" She asked Y/N

"I just went on a walk with the dog. And Martinelli is the guy from yesterday. I was out on a walk, and he just called me." Y/N said, trying not to get into any trouble with her mom.

"Right... and why would he be calling you?" Her mother asked her suspiciously

"Mom, stop it. I don't know. He just said he couldn't sleep. Why are you so worried about him?" Y/N asked

"Look, Y/N. I just want to warn you that dating an athlete doesn't always end up well. I'm only looking out for you so you don't get your heart broken." her mother said.

"Mom, I get it. But only because some athletes are complete assholes, it doesn't mean that all of them are the same. Martinelli isn't like that." Y/N said to her mom, slightly annoyed.

"Alright, I just wanted to warn you." -Y/N's mom

Y/N then went to her room and started cleaning to get the whole things that her mom said off of her mind. She then heard the doorbell ring, so she rushed to the door. It was Martinelli who was waiting at the door for Y/N to come out. The two of them then talked for a while, and Martinelli gave her the ticket to his match.

"You know, since it's our game, I expect you to wear something red, arlight?" -Martinelli

"Sure, I already have an idea. I bet you'll like it." Y/N said with a cheeky smile.

"You look good in anything. I highly doubt I won't like your outfit." -Martinelli

They joked around for some time until it was time for Martinelli to leave.

*Timeskip before the game*

It was now time for Y/N to get ready for the game. She then looked over her options and decided to wear white jeans, a red cardigan, and a golden cross necklace.

*timeskip at the stadium*

She was now at her seat, enjoying the beautiful view. As the players were coming out, she tried to spot a certain someone. After some time, he spotted her on her seat and waved at her. She couldn't help but smile out of happiness. "God, how I love this man." she thought to herself.

It was almost the end of the game, and it was still 0-0, until Martinelli scored a banger. Y/N then stood from her seat and cheered. As she looked at him, she saw him make her initials with his fingers as a celebration and then do a little kiss towards her direction. She got really red as she saw him. He then went back before the game had ended. She then got a notification from her phone.

"Meet me outside the stadium."

She then went outside and waited outside the stadium on her phone until someone hugged her from behind.

"Heyyy, how did I play?" a familiar voice whispered to Y/N, making her feel his hot breath on her neck.

"You played really well." Y/N said to Martinelli, who was hugging her from behind.

"Wanna go out to celebrate the win?" -Martinelli

"I wish I could, but my mom might worry if she sees that I'm not home. I'm sorry." Y/N said in a disappointed tone of voice.

"Hey, no need to be sorry. I completely understand the situation. You're still down for the date tomorrow, right?" -Martinelli

"Yes, of course." -Y/N

"Great, I can't wait. I'll text you tomorrow. Good night, Y/N." -Martinelli

He then hugged her tightly and gave her a kiss on the cheek before they went on separate ways.

To be continued... :)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2023 ⏰

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