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Your name is Y/N, you're 19, and you work as an English teacher, which teaches foreigners how to speak English in London. After work, you also play unprofessional football. Although you're 19, you still live with your family. Those being your mom, your dad, and your sister.

You were walking back home after a long day at work. As you were walking down the street, which was surrounded by some trees, you were listening to music in your earbuds so you could finally take a little break from the world. But that soon changed after someone tapped you on your shoulder.

"Hey, I'm sorry if I'm disturbing you, but there's this weird looking woman who keeps on following me, and I'm afraid she wants to do something to me. Would you mind pretending that you're my girlfriend so she can leave me alone?"

You gave him a quick nod.

"Oh hi babe, I really missed you too." You said while putting your arm around him.

You two kept walking for some time before the guy said: "She's still following us."

"Alright then, you can come home with me if you want a secure place to stay until she leaves you alone." -y/n

"Are you sure you want to let a complete stranger into your house?" -?

"Sure, why not?" -y/n

"Alright. I still haven't introduced myself. I'm Gabriel, Gabriel Martinelli, to be exact." -Martinelli

"I know who you are, Martinelli. I'm Y/N. Pleasured to meet you." -y/n

"Oh, I didn't know. But it's nice to meet you too." -Martinelli

"So, care to explain the whole situation with that woman following you?" -y/n

"Yeah, sure. So, my car has some kind of issues, and I had to get it repaired. Before I went to the training camp, I realized that I needed to walk there, and so I did. After I left the training camp, she started to follow me. I thought she was just normally walking, but after a few turns, I realized she was following me. And, not long after, I also realized that I got lost because I took a few too many stupid turns while trying to get away from that woman. Luckily, I found you and decided that it would be best if I came and talked to you so you could help me." Martinelli explained.

"Oh wow, poor you." -y/n

After walking for a while, you finally arrived at your house. As you were putting the keys inside the door, you asked Martinelli to check if the woman left.

"Still here." -Martinelli

"What a freak." -y/n

You two then walked inside. You put your bag next to the shoes and told Martinelli that he could leave his bag, which he keeps his training stuff in, near the shoes too.

"So, are you hungry?" -y/n

"I guess I am a little bit hungry." -Martinelli

"Well, I do have some time to prepare something to cook for the both of us if you want." -y/n

"That would be really great, I appreciate it." -Martinelli

As you were cooking something quickly for the both of you to eat, you continued talking. He was telling you about how training was before you told him how your day at work was.

Soon after you both finished eating, he called his friend Martin Ødegaard to pick him up from your house.

"Thank you for the food and for helping me get away from that woman. I really owe you one. So, how about I give you my number?" -Martinelli

"Sounds fair." You answered with a smile on your face.

You then gave him your phone so he could insert his phone number. Then, you gave him a little call so he would have your number too before you heard someone at the door. It was Ødegaard waiting for Martinelli.

"Hi, thank you for taking care of Gabriel. God knows what could've happened to him if you weren't there." -Ødegaard

"Oh, no need to thank me. Have a nice day, bye!" -y/n

Both Martinelli and Ødegaard said goodbye and left.


You were washing off your makeup before taking a shower. After your shower, you went to your parents to say goodnight before you went to bed.

You were just about to fall asleep when you got a call.

"Hello?" -y/n

"Hi, y/n! How are you?"

"I'm fine, Martinelli. You?" -y/n

"I'm doing quite well. I just wanted to talk to you." -Martinelli

"How sweet," you thought.

After some time, he asked you: "You sound kind of sleepy, don't you want to go to sleep?"

"No, it's alright." You answered back while yawning.

At one point, you started talking for a pretty long time so you wouldn't fall asleep. You then asked Martinelli something, but he didn't answer. He fell asleep. After you realized that he fell asleep, you just put your head down on your pillows, covered yourself up with a blanket, and went to sleep. You thought the fact that Martinelli fell asleep while you were talking was kind of cute.

To be continued... :))

Pretend | Gabriel MartinelliWhere stories live. Discover now