It was relaxing for both of you. No matter how rough the day would be, peace would enter in your hearts if you both would hug each other to sleep. For you, his arms around you would make you feel safe and protected. And for him? Well, he would have his entire world in his arms.

He made you drink half of the hot chocolate even though you resisted, and now the movie was going to end. Apparently, the male lead was kissing the female lead, the scene too alluring and the music too delightful. You grinned while staring at the scene. But in contrast, Taehyung sighed from beside you. You frowned and slightly turned, he looked stressed.

"What happened Tae?" You completely turned to face him and ran your fingers through his hair as he sighed again. He had been glancing at you from time to time since the movie started, and you knew he wanted to tell you something but was hesitating. "What's wrong, tell me." You pecked his forehead and cheeks, encouraging him to speak.

"Y/n, I have been wanting to tell this to you..." He spoke in a low voice as you gulped. You didn't feel good about it. He looked into your eyes and then looked away. "So... I'm going on a business trip." You furrowed your eyebrows. What was so wrong about the trip?

He hesitated a bit and then continued. "I have to handle some issues at the Paris branch, and I'll be away for quite a long time." You still didn't get what he wanted to say. When he got no response from you, he held your hands, looked into your eyes and spoke slowly. "I'll be going alone Y/n, I can't take you with me, and I might not come back before four weeks."

Your eyes widened. "W-what- four weeks? You mean a m-month?" He nodded guiltily. "I'll go with you." You removed your hands from his hold and said firmly. His eyes softened as he tried to hold you but you shifted back. "No. You're not going alone. I'll be going with you."

"Sweetheart-" "I said NO! How can you go alone, Taehyung? What about me huh?" You were fuming in anger. Does he really think it's that easy for you to stay away from him for a whole goddamn month? "Sweetheart, please listen to me-" He pulled you towards him and caged you in his arms. You struggled to free yourself but he was too strong. You gave up and hugged him tightly, burying your face in his chest.

Caressing your hair, he opened your clutch and let your hair loose and then started to solve the entangled hair-knots. "I don't want to stay away from you Tae..." He heard your soft voice and cursed the person who was behind this. "Me neither Y/n-ah, but I don't want you to face any trouble. There will be media and corrupt businessmen and lots of drama to tackle, and I don't want anything to happen to you."

You sighed. He was correct. The media would probably come after you too, his rivals might take the advantage and might try to drag you into the mess as well, and you didn't want to be a burden on him. "When are you leaving?" You asked in a whisper. "In two days." Your heart clenched at his words. Hiding the pain, you smiled at him and got up from the couch. "Let's start with the packing, we don't have much time." You didn't even look back and moved ahead.

Meanwhile, Taehyung closed his eyes and groaned. "Fvck it! I can't just do this to her. I didn't sign up for this. You'll pay for it Jimin and I'll punch you for every tear she sheds I swear." He mentally cursed him and got up to follow you. Well...

[Two days later]

You didn't sleep properly last night, you just couldn't. The thought of Taehyung going away from you, the thought of living away from him for a month, the thought of not being able to see him, all these things were eating you up. You took a shower early that morning to look fresh, but the eye bags said otherwise. Currently, Taehyung was taking a shower. He bought a lot of things yesterday and packed them on his own. You wanted to help but he didn't want to trouble you. His luggage was downstairs and now you were waiting for him to come out.

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