Chapter 13: Keeping promises

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A/N - Before we start, can we pls talk about the cover photo. Like- while I was scrolling through pinterest I found THAT and I SCREAMEDDDDDDD (Also, this will be another chapter written in Semi's pov. Yayyyy!)

~ ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ~

Semi was sitting down on the seats at the airport, scrolling through social media on his phone, while he slowly updated his boyfriend of his whereabouts. Most of his friends and classmates had already left for college a month ago before he did. And now, it was finally his turn to go. But, was he truly happy about it? Leaving for college meant leaving his parents and family behind. 

It meant leaving Shirabu behind too.

Semi's grandmother has been ill for a long time, leaving his mother to take care of her while his father worked 24/7. Semi's mother tried to convince him so that she could come along, but Semi denied. He didn't want to trouble his mother, considering his grandma deserved and needed more company then him. Instead, he kissed and waved his two family members goodbye before he left for the airport. That meant, no one accompanied Semi to send him off. Well, Shirabu was supposed to. But Semi didn't expect him to show up, considering that his flight was moved last minute. So now, he's sitting alone in the cold airport, waiting to board his flight.

"Calling all passengers flying to the UK at Gate 3A," a woman's voice spoke from the airport speakers. 

Instantly, a long line formed infront of Semi. "Seriously?" He sighed. The line started from the counter near the entrance that led to the airplane. He kept his phone in his pocket, got up from his seat as he dragged his large suitcase to join the long queue. The line was moving at the speed of a snail, or maybe, the woman at the front desk was checking the passport's too slow. Semi had no patience for this at all. Now, he was 18th in line... 13th... 9th... 4th. 

He decided to text his boyfriend a short 'goodbye' before it was his turn in line. He took out his phone from his pocket and held it not too close to his face. As he was about to send the message, a voice called out his name. "SEMI!" He turned to face the source of the sound, still holding his phone in the same position. 

It was Kenjirou. 

The copper-haired boy stood a few centimeters away from him. He was wearing a long-sleeved navy green sweater with white jeans. His fists were clenched and his mouth was slightly open to let the oxygen enter his body. He was panting. It took awhile for Semi to process what stood before his eyes. He thought Kenjirou couldn't make it on time, but here he was.

Because of his astonishment, he lost grip of the phone in his hands. He immediately jogged towards the boy, leaving his luggage lonely and his phone which now laid on the floor. He didn't care about his spot in line. Because before him, was something. Or should I say, someone, more important than his patience.

 "Kenjirou," he softly called out. He stood inches away from him, as he took hold of his lover's hands in his own.

"I thought you... couldn't make it on time." Semi started. Up close, Kenjirou had sweat slowly dripping down his face. His hazel-brown eyes gazed into Semi's, still trying to catch his breath. "Did he run all the way here?" Semi thought to himself. 

"I had to... say goodbye to you, one last time." Kenjirou stated. A gentle, caring and relieved smile spread across Semi's face. "Okay, then." Semi continued, 


Semi released Kenjirou's soft hands. Turning around, his back facing the copper-haired boy as he leisurely walked forward, directing himself to the position where he previously was. 

"Wait!" His lover called out, gripping onto the sleeve of his jacket. Semi turned his head around to find Kenjirou facing the floor. "You'll keep your promise right? You'll come back and find me! You won't abandon me ri-" 

Semi held his lover's chin and lifted his face to look at him. He pressed his soft, delicate lips against Kenjirou's smooth and luscious lips. Semi kept his hand gently holding his chin, while, Kenjirou pressed his palms against Semi's chest. Their lips perfectly molded with each others, like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. Their kiss wasn't long, but to them, It felt like time had slowed down. It felt as if only the two of them existed in this world.

Semi pulled away from the kiss, giving Kenjirou a comforting smile. He took advantage of this moment, to admire how beautiful his boyfriend looked. To Semi, Kenjirou's beauty looked royal, he couldn't believe people were even able to glance at Kenjirou for free. 

He couldn't believe Kenjirou was his.

Semi let out a soft chuckle as tears shaped in Kenjirou's eyes. "You're such a crybaby, you know?" Semi spoke, as he pulled Kenjirou into a warm embrace. 

"I love you too."

Shirabu's eyes widened at the 4 words Semi let out. He found it amazing how his boyfriend knew exactly what he was trying to say. He found it amazing how well Semi understood him. 

"Sir? We don't have all day," the woman at the counter spoke. Semi pulled away and faced the direction of the voice. "Sorry." Semi apologized. He smiled at his lover one last time before he left and walked towards the counter. 

Once his passport was finished being checked, he walked towards the hallway that led to the airport he was supposed to board. Before he entered, Semi turned back to look at Kenjirou one last time before he left. Even though all the copper-haired boy was doing was stand there, he looked beautiful. He waved at Kenjirou, then turned back to face forward and board the plane. 

"You better keep your promise, jerk." Shirabu muttered under his breath.

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