Chapter 2: It's now or never

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Extra training had just ended. Everyone was fatigued. I mean, considering that they had just played atleast 3 whole rounds of volleyball matches at the spring qualifiers, as well as serving, spiking, running and jumping nonstop for extra training. Their bodies never stopped moving from 8AM in the morning till 7:30PM at night. Who wouldn't be tired?

"Group!" Coach Wasjisho yelled. Instantly, like a group of dogs that picked up the scent of food, every member of the volleyball team huddled around Coach Washijo and Coach Arika. Coach Washijo took one careful yet intimidating look at each and every member of the team. 

"Hm." Was all Coach Washijo said before exiting the gym room, his hands behind his back.

Coach Arika stared at the other coach, completely flabbergasted. He took a quick look at the volleyball team whose faces were also looking at the older coach's direction. Their faces looked normal, as if this happens all the time. How would coach Arika know anyway? He doesn't show up to practice most of the time. 

"Well, uh-" Coach Arika started. Everyone became attentive, instantly turning their heads to face the younger coach. Coach Arika became intimidated by the stern and serious looks on their faces. Their insane height wasn't really helping either."Are they really highschool students?" He thought to himself.

"A-any volunteers for cleaning duty?" Coach Arika asked. Silence was his response. "Well then, I'll assign two random people then..." The coach stated. He carefully scanned each and every player. He may have looked really focused to the students but in reality, he was sweating pits. "Well then um- Shirabu and..." Coach Arika called out,

"...and Semi." He completed.

"Semi-senpai..?"  Shirabu thought to himself. He discreetly turned his head to take a quick look at Semi. His expression was unreadable. "He looks serious,"  was all that Shirabu could infer and turned his head back to face the coach.

"3..2..1!" Ushijima shouted, "Thank you very much!" Everyone yelled at the same time, while bowing. Coach Arika, stunned but flattered by this amount of respect, uttered, "You guys... have worked hard." Giving a soft smile as well. The coach slowly exited the gym room, the gaze of the team members followed his movements. 

As soon as the door shut, the room became less tense. Everyone started stretching their hands and neck. "Thank god I wasn't chosen!" Tendou let out a sigh of relief while he stretched his arms upwards. "I don't think I can bare staying at this place any longer, especially after losing that match." Tendou said looking around the gym. Hearing his senior's words, the guilt Shirabu felt a few hours ago came back. He faced the floor, disappointed in himself. His fists clenched.

Only Semi noticed. 

"Well, goodluck Semisemi!" Tendou exclaimed, placing his hand on one of Semi's shoulders. This caused Semi to move his head that were facing Shirabu's fists to the red head. "Have fun with Shirabu," Tendou whispered into Semi's ear, leaving Semi annoyed.

"Lets go Wakatoshi." Tendou faced the captain to which he nodded in response. The two left the gym, followed by everyone else. Shirabu watched as his team members left the room one by one till he felt someone place their hands on his shoulder from behind. This made him startle because of how focused he was. "You should tell him now, Shirabu." He immediately recognised the voice of this person without having to turn his head back. "There's not much time left you know?" The voice claimed,

"It's now or never." Taichi concluded.

Shirabu watched as his bestfriend left the room, still trying to process what he said. "Should I really tell Semi now?" He whispered to himself.

"Oi!" A voice called out. Shirabu immediately turned his head to face the source of the sound. It was Semi. He was standing near the droopy volleyball net. Shirabu didn't even realise Semi had moved from his position. "Are you just gonna stand there?" Semi asked, "w-what? N-no.." Shirabu answered. "Then? Come help me with the net, then you can start picking up the balls scattered around." Semi ordered. "Y-yes.. sure." Shirabu obliged.


A/N - Fun fact about me !! Semishira is one of my favourite haikyu ships along with Tsukikage. What's your favourite Haikyu ship?

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