He panicked hard. Because now it wasn't as the evening when Aelita was showing him her new clothes. That evening she just didn't have a top on her. Now?

There was nothing.

"Ah, the nerd is here." He heard Sissi say, as he was trying to get outside. "What were you doing down here?"

"None of your business," Jeremie said.

"Oh yeah? Were you in your little girlfriend's room?" Sissi said, making Jeremie blush, but walk past her, so she wouldn't be heard. 

Jeremie had enough on his mind already, he didn't want to hear Sissi's screeching high-pitched voice. He made his way to a bench that was at the border with campus and forest and sighed.

I screwed up. I should've knocked. I should've left immediately. Jeremie thought, praying this won't screw up their friendship too much.


He lifted his head up, seeing Aelita running towards him. Her pink hair jumped up and down, as she began slowing down just enough to stop in front of him.

"I'm a creep. I know." Jeremie said, trying his hardest not to cry.

"You are thinking that because...?" "Yeah, I should've knocked," Jeremie said. 

Soon, he felt Aelita's presence next to him. But he didn't ask to be forgiven since this couldn't be forgiven.

"Yeah, it's alright," Aelita said, taking his hand into hers. "It's nothing to be mad about, we aren't like children."

"No, I should've knocked! I can't just come into your room because..." Jeremie began, throwing his hands around. "...forget about it." 

He stood up, threw his bag on his shoulder, and he walked away, leaving Aelita dumbfounded on the bench alone. 

She was worried for Jeremie; he never was like this. He saw her partly naked some nights ago, and she knew what she did. But back then he didn't freak out. Then why did he now?

And just before Christmas, we argued, great. Aelita thought, standing up from the bench and walking back closer to the school buildings. As she passed the cafeteria, she saw Odd, Ulrich, and Yumi walking outside the building, with Odd finishing the food on the way.

"Hey, guys." Aelita came closer to the trio, who immediately looked at her.

"Hi princess, something happened? You don't look...that great," Odd asked while munching on what looked like a muffin.

"Actually, could I-" "Yes, let's go Aelita." Yumi knew what she was going to ask, girl intuition probably, and led the pink-haired girl away from them, heading towards the dormitory.

"Okay," Yumi said, as she closed the door to Aelita's room, and turned around. Aelita was already sitting on her bed, Maya in her lap. "What happened?"

"I don't even know," Aelita said. "I kinda had a small argument with Jeremie." 

"Why? What did he do?" "It's more like what I did." Aelita chuckled, as Yumi sat down next to her. "He came into my room while I was changing after shower."

"Oh. And di-" "Yes, but not the first time." Aelita added, making Yumi look at her, shocked. "Anyway, he seemed to be angry at himself for it."

"And what did you do?" "Told him it was okay," Aelita said as Yumi nodded. "Because it really was."

Aelita felt bad. Really bad. She was the reason Jeremie was like this.

"Am I really that fat?" Aelita said, soon realizing she said it aloud while having Yumi in her room. The black-haired girl quickly shot a glance at her, a worrying face appearing on her.

"Aelita...you aren't fat." She said. "Did someone tell you that?"

"Noone." Aelita quietly replied, as if she was about to cry. 

"Then why do you think that?" Yumi asked, worried that Aelita was just lying because she was bullied. But the reply was that bad she wished it was the bullying.

"I look fat Yumi, okay? And I can't seem to do anything about it! What if that made Jeremie act like he does? What if seeing an ugly girl that has a stomach size of a pig was disgusting?" Aelita said, now in tears. Yumi's fears were fulfilled; she had body dysmorphic disorder.

"What if...he doesn't really like me?" Aelita said, finishing it by hugging Yumi and crying into her shoulder.

"Aelita, I mean this in the nicest way; stop thinking for a moment," Yumi said, trying to calm her down. "Jeremie likes you, you know it, he knows it, everyone knows it." 

"N-" "Aelita, don't lie to yourself!" Yumi said, not trying to scare Aelita, but just giving her the scare of her life. 

"Jeremie is clearly oblivious to anything regarding feelings," Yumi said, as she broke the hug to look Aelita in the eyes. "But that doesn't mean he doesn't like you, and that would never mean you can't like him."

Aelita wiped down her tears and nodded. Yumi was right; she was scared after the argument and that's why she began thinking about if Jeremie liked her or not.

"You are righ-" Aelita began, but was interrupted by a knock on the door. "Come in." 

But no one opened the door. Instead, Aelita saw a paper coming from underneath the door. Both of the girls were surprised to see the paper.

Aelita stood up, placed Maya back on the bed, and walked to the door. Keeling down, she saw that the paper had handwritten text on it, however, she didn't read it yet. She picked it up and walked back to the bed, Yumi waiting to see who it was...because she had a thought about who it was.

"Someone wrote you a love note!" Yumi joked. Aelita chuckled, obviously the sad mood lifted. She unrolled the paper and began reading it for herself.

Dear Aelita,

I'm really sorry for what happened sometime prior to you receiving this note, and I'm really a creep.
But even though you said it was alright...for me it wasn't. Not that because of you, no. It's because of me.

And I'm really sorry to have an argument just a week before Christmas, which I won't be able to spend with you, and that hurts me even more. So I'm going to talk with my dad about staying here, so you wouldn't be alone.

I apologize again for what happened.

- Jeremie

Aelita smiled after finishing the note. It was nice of Jeremie not to do it on the computer, but rather a written note, despite it being hardly readable.

"Maybe you are right," Aelita said. "I shouldn't doubt our relationship.

It's unbreakable."

Aelita will have body dysmorphic disorder throughout the whole book, and she had it since "The Hermitage" chapter when she noticed Jeremie had trouble lifting her up. But she won't become anorexic, she will just see herself being slightly fatter which will make her shy about others, except Jeremie, who will she be the most comfortable with later.

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