"Thanks" he said and I smiled at him

"It's okay bud. Remember fix your relationship with her" I said and he nodded before leaving the office

Gabriella's pov
I went back downstairs after the whole encounter with Bruno. I heard voices in the kitchen and saw my aunts and grandma preparing something

"Oh dear what are you doing here?" Aunt Isabella asked smiling at me

"Oh nothing I was just wondering if you need any help" I said

"Actually we would love it if you could help us out" Grandma said and I nodded

"You know I'm really sorry about Emilia dear. I know how much she means to you" Grandma said and I froze in my place.

"It's okay" I said, fighting back a sob. I've never talked to anyone about how much mom's death has affected me. It still hurts

"Dear come here, don't cry" Aunt Lisa said, pulling me to a hug and I hugged her tightly as a sob forced it's way through my lips

"I miss her so much" I mumbled in her chest

"I do too. She was such a good woman" Aunt Lisa said rubbing my back to calm me down

"But everyone here hates my mom" I said pulling away from her and wiping my tears away

"The men do. We understood that she did it to protect you, you're the only girl that has been born into this family in generations and the threats were alarming.

Of course she did what any mother would do to protect her child. The men just don't want to understand that she had no other option, we never blamed her for taking you because we knew you were safe with her" Aunt Savannah explained which caused more tears to pool down my eyes

Mom did so much for me, she was the only one I lived for. I love her so much and I wish she was still here with me. I wish she could see me right now

"Bambina why are you crying" Stephano asked as he and the others gathered in the kitchen

"What happened sorella?" Antonio asked cupping my cheeks

"Mom" I whispered and he stilled, pain swirling in his eyes

"Come here" he said and hugged me tight

"It's okay. I'm sure wherever Emilia is, she is looking after you, she will always be with you" he said and kissed my head

"Why are you even crying for that woman?" Damon asked

"You better shut up before I do something I won't regret. You and Bruno are getting on my nerves. Do. Not. Mess. With. Me" I warned him, having an overwhelming urge to beat him up

"That's enough, Damon if you can't say anything nice then just shut the fuck up okay" Nico said, smacking him lightly across the head

"Okay you all can leave now. Gabriella is going to help us prepare lunch" Grandma said probably sensing how uncomfortable I felt

"Let's get to work love" Aunt Isabella said placing a kiss on my cheek

We began making lunch and they made small talks with me to get my mind off things.

"Okay now what do we make for dessert?" Grandma asked

"Can we make pie?" I asked

"Of course cara" she said and I smiled at her

We spent a couple more hours to get everything done. I  made the pie with little help from my aunts and grandma

"Cara go and get your brothers down please" Grandma said and I ran upstairs


"Bambina that was too loud" Dom said coming out of his room

"Well look it worked" I said seeing the rest of my brothers coming out of their rooms

"Are you okay now?" He asked lowly, not wanting the others to hear us

"I'm fine" I said and he gave me a side hug. We walked back to the dining table

"Woah" Matteo said practically drooling over the food. He ran to his seat and started piling food up in his plate making us laugh

"Slowly dear" Aunt Savannah said and he nodded

"This is amazing" he said with his mouth food

"At least eat with your mouth closed" Leo said with a disgusted look

After lunch, aunts and Grandma went back in the kitchen to grab the dessert. I could see how everyone's eyes were shining

"You made dessert too?" Matteo asked taking a piece of pie and eating it

"Holy fuck this is so good" he said

"Watch your language Matteo" Nico warned

"Sorry but you have to try it" he said and everyone took a piece of the pie

"It is indeed very good. Thanks grandma" Antonio said

"Oh dear it was Gabriella who made the pie. We simply helped a little" she said and everyone's eyes snapped in my direction

"Woah bambina. You are amazing, it's really good" Angelo praised

"Thanks" I said

We ate till we were full, the air was light and happy and I'm just glad that there wasn't anymore drama

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