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Chan's POV:
I was standing in the balcony waiting for Yn . I heard the door locking I went towards Yn "Yn , can I have a talk with you " she looked shocked ofcourse its been so long since I talked properly with her , she came behind me and stood beside me her long hair was flowing with the wind she looked so relaxed I don't know if it was the cold wind or her which made a chill run down my spine , I know its the 2nd reason . I kept looking at for some more time then I started "Yn , I know I was treating you wrong for a long time , from the time I was in a relationship with Niya . I forgot you completely neglected you as my friend " she looked at me "I just ignored your existence completely and I just came to you when I needed you I used you . I even came to you when Niya broke up with me you had feelings for me but you never broke our friendship . And that night of our marriage I said things I shouldn't have said but I did and Iam suffering for that . I shouldn't have blamed you it was not your fault not anyones fault . Not yours , not my parents and not at all Dylan's " she looked at me a bit shocked "I did wrong with you and Dylan by not treating you both the way you guys should be treated I want to rectify my mistake " Yn looked at me with soft eyes , I missed this gaze of hers on me "I have been wanting to say this to you to confront you and today when I saw you close with that guy I felt that I should tell this to you urgently otherwise you will slip out of my hand " I took her arms in mine uhhh It felt so warm it felt home her warmth spread to my heart and mind cooling them both by saying she is still with me "Yn , Please give me a chance to treat you right like a friend , a wife and a lover" her eyes get wide "Yn , I cant clearly say I love you but I have deep feelings for you and that is not at all as a friend please give me a chance I want to be better for you . I want to correct everything with you then I wan tto correct everything with Dylan I want to be a good hyung for him afterall I always wanted a sibling I should have been more grateful cause finally I have got a sibling but my stupidity blamed everyone else for my breakup instead of the real reason . Please forgive me for everything and give  me a chance  " "Iam ready to give you a chance  earn my forgiveness " Yn gave me a reassuring smile 

Yn's POV:
I felt overwhelmed finally Chan realized his mistake . He understood he treated me and Dylan wrongly and is ready to make everything right I was going inside the room when "Yn , I have goten over Niya you should never bother about that anymore I don't want to hold on my broken past rather I want to build a new beautiful present and future with you and Iam ready to do anything for you and Dylan" he said everything genuinely it was visible from his eyes and voice but I didnt turn back because I couldnt hold my smile back 

I was sitting in the dinning room Chan came down "Good morning " everyone including me got shocked because its been a long time since he has wished everyone like this to be precise after marriage he didn't do it and he smiled at Dylan which made the little one giggle . Obviously everyone will melt at Chan's smile . We all ate breakfast Mom and Dad looked at me asking for answer because I was the less confused one among them . They wanted answer that's when Chan said "Yn , come we will go together " I smiled but Mom and Dad understood their son is trying to change because he was looking genuine and he was . I smiled at them and left with Chan after saying bye to Dylan 

It was lunch time me and Nick along with Liya one of my colleague was in the canteen me and Liya was sitting near while Nick sit opposite to Liya . We all were talking and enjoying while someone else occupied the empty chair "Sorry guys can i join in" it was none other than Dr. Bang "Ofcourse " everyone said at the same time . We all started to talk with eachother while other staffs were shocked because its been so long since they saw Chan smiling , talking and having food in canteen . He never liked to be alone he was a social butterfly but everything changed when he brokeup and our marriage was just a cherry on top . Even though I was talking my whole attention was on Chan how I saw my old Chan he is really changing even though not completely he is trying and Iam not planning to warm upto him fast too 

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