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Yn's POV:
"Iam sorry for keeping you guys waiting . Mom has given birth and its a boy " they both ran upto me and hugged me I can feel both of their tears on my shoulder I was crying to because of happiness . "Thankyou , thankyou somuch Yn you saved us " "Comeon Dad its my duty as a Dr" "Yn , is Mom ok" "Yes , Ba....Yes Mom is ok they both are ok its a healthy baby don't worry but" "What but Yn" "Since Mom is a bit aged she will need complete rest she cant take care of the baby and her milk production wont be sufficient for the baby too" "So what will we do" "I will take care of the baby for few months atleast until Mom will be ok and about milk we will give formula don't worry Dad . We will shift them both to the room within 1hr then you can see them"

I have taken leave from hospital for 2 months Mom was a bit hesitant she felt that she was burdening me No ofcourse No I love babies and I don't know why I have taken a lot of deliveries but the moment I got my brother in law in my hand I felt an instant connection I felt this urge to do anything for him and that's what Iam doing I will be staying home since mom will be stable and taking care of the baby . Today is the day both of them will come home for the first time . Our close friends and family has kept a welcome home party .

Now its night time everything is set . Mom and Dad took the baby to their room he was sound asleep . Me and Chan was also sleeping I got interrupted by a knocking . Chan also got up I went and opened the door to see a panicked Dad "Yn , I tried a lot but he is not sleeping can you please handle him Anna (Chan's Mom) is crying because she cant take care of him let me go and make her ok " "Don't worry Dad I will make him sleep is it ok if he sleeps here " "Its completely ok" . "Are you really going to keep him here with us " "Ofcourse this is the least I can do" "Please make him quiet fast its so irritating " "Chan you are being rude he is your brother how can you sat such things . Since he is born you are not even looking at him , didn't take him , atleast now stop saying these things" by saying this I took him with me to the next room we are in the first floor while Mom and Dad are in the ground floor of the mansion. After swaying him for sometime and singing some lullabies he slept peacefully in my embrace . I went back to our shared bedroom and kept him on my side of the bed because Chan may put his body on the baby and I kept pillow at the end of the bed so nothing happens . I kept him close to me and provided my warmth to him 

We all were having our breakfast the baby was right beside me in his crib . "Yn , Iam verry sorry your sleep got disturbed" "Mom why are you thanking me like Iam an outsider and I didn't have a problem with it at all" "But do you know why he cried " "I kept him on the crib he didn't like it I guess "  "Oh , Mom is it ok if he sleeps with me and Chan so that you don't have to worry at night " "Yn , sweetheart its too much you are already taking care of him and then at night too your sleep will get damaged " "No mom don't worry this is the least I can do . you need proper rest which is needed physically and mentally so this will be best he wont disturb my sleep right baby" "But he will disturb mine though" it was Chan , he sat beside me "Then I will sleep in the guest room" "NO" Chan shouted which mad ethe baby cry , Dad took him and consoled him "It will be better your sleep wont be disturbed and you wont be disturbed by me too" "No , no need you guys can sleep in our room itself (Inaudibly : If you go then I will feel lonely )" Chan said it Inaudibly but I heard it anyways and chuckled inside . "Yn , you are like his mother now so why don't you suggest a name for our baby boy " "Mom no no you guys should keep his name" "No we have decide it now take your time and think or do you already have some suggestion " I thought sometime and a name came in my mind . "Dylan , Dylan Bang . Son of the sea" "Wow that's nice so he is Dylan Bang our baby" from my side eye I saw a small smile creeping through Chans face . You will love the baby Chan you are not a stone hearted person afterall I know my Channie

Yn's POV:
Now Dylan is six months old he is so cute uhhhh my heart cant handle it my boba ball is so adorable . His smile is adorable , his giggle is adorable everything which includes him is adorable he is like my own child . I have extended my leave for 2 more months . Iam not the head of the department and there are 2 more docs so its fine . Mom and dad takes care of him but I take care of him at night . But I feed him and he is also attached to me just like how Iam attached to him . Mom and Dad have no problem for it . My whole attention is only on my boba ball and no one else . Sometimes I see Chan looking at us from a distance but never came beside us 

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