"Hi. My name is Aela Cosette Villanueva Matsuyama" I introduced myself. It's the first day of many days." I said letting out a small chuckle. "My name was the only thing that left me of my family. Villanueva from my mother who's having a vacation at Hongkong, with my step dad. My step dad has two daughters, my step sisters that is now abroad taking their respective college courses. Matsuyama, from my Japanese dad who is also abroad with his now wife, my step mom, Abegail. They migrated there as soon as Abegail got pregnant. And now, I'm leaving alone in the university dormitory. It was nice meeting you all" I said.

I knew it was long. Too much to share, but it was not even half of what I want to say. I felt like I have been shut for so long that I want to have someone I can talk to for hours; talking about stuffs and life. But reality hits me always. Every time I would wish for it, I got struck by the truth that I have none and it will always stay that way.

"Why did you take up architecture?"

I looked at her with blank face. "I am interested" Lie. I am never interested in architecture. I took this because it is where I might not be finally be free, but I will have temporary freedom. My school, the only school in the province that has this course is 5 hours away from our house, I mean mom's house. I do want to be a lawyer but I was so afraid to take it. For the reason that, once I like something, once I wished for something to happen, it doesn't. So, at an early age I stopped dreaming as if it was a crime.

Lame it is. Giving up a dream just because I was afraid. Lame. But no matter how hard I try to fought and be strong even just for a while, something inside me would hold me back, if not me, my mom. I started to walk through life in a way that it would hurt less. Do things that would not add up to my burdens but won't make me happy either.

Every day became a battle between, taking risk to be sadder and just let things be hoping I would be happier.

"You may take your seat" she said so I obliged. As the introduction continues, I got to see my classmates and the fear of getting bullied and left out, once again rise. It ate my whole system that every bit of courage I had and store inside me has disappeared within seconds. I felt defeated.

I looked at the girl standing in the front and saw Allison in her physique. It left me speechless as I look into her, but the more that I look into her the more she reminds me of Allison. I was breathing heavily within minutes, as if the aircon was sucking all the air and her, the girl that reminds me of Allison was smiling as she schemes a plan to make my life more miserable. I grabbed my bag and went out of the classroom. Strange enough, I had nowhere to go.

I bumped into students I barely knew. I said sorry a thousand times too. My knees weakened the moment I saw her. My whole system did not function. My dreams of having a peaceful college life was gone. I thought for once I get to live a life I had always wanted, turns out I can't --until now I can't.

Multi-verse: hopefully a love storyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon