Chapter 2-Group 1-Marinette Family

Start from the beginning

Marinette: But that's not true! Someone must've planted that piece of paper in my bag!

Miss Bustier: But you've answered all of the questions correctly.

Marinette: I did? Yes, but because I've studied.

"Miss Bustier is doing her job wrong" the hostesses mumbled. She also rolled her eyes at Miss Bustier for being a bad teacher. Judy was getting angrier at what she was seeing. "That woman is going to get fired" Gina said. Rolland agreed with her. "I am going to give piece of mind to mind to her" Alistar says.

Alya: Miss Bustier, Marinette always scores high on your test.

Lila: This is so terrible unlike you, Marinette. You're usually so well-behaved.

Marinette: Of course! You put the answers in my bag! You're the "anonymous informer"!

Lila: (gasps) I'm coming to your defense and you're accusing me?!

"Your lying you witch!" shouted the adults expected for, Tom and Sabina. The two parents felt guilty for believing a lair. 'I wish you luck when we come back Lila. Your life is about to come living hell' Marinette though. She was right since her dad is rich and can ruin someone's life.

Miss Bustier: You can't accuse someone without proof, Marinette.

"She is not wrong you know" Marinette said. She learned a lesson about this. Have real profs when someone is lying or cheating about something. "I am glad you are learning something Marinette" the hostess.

Marinette: But I'm sure it's her! She stole the test answers.

Miss Bustier: That's impossible, Marinette. Lila got the worst grade in the class.

Marinette: Then... she flunked the exam on purpose!

Adrien: Excuse me, Miss Bustier, but everyone here knows isn't like Marinette to cheat.

Alya: He's right!

Rose: It's doesn't make sense! (Everyone agrees)

Miss Bustier: (claps hands) Marinette, Lila, please go the principal's office until we get to the bottom of this.

(Lila opens the door for Marinette and she is still angry)

"Someone should be willing to with the two of them? Is case of Lila tries to do something?" Alistar asked. The hostess nodded her head yes at the question. "You are right. Someone does need to keep eye on the two" Judy replied.

Scene: Hallway.

Lila: I swore I'd make your life unbearable, Marinette. Let's see how you get out of this one.

Marinette: I'm not falling in your trap, Lila.

Lila: Too late. You already have.

(Lila goes down the stairs)

Gina, Rolland, Judy, and Alistar realize what Lila next move was. Lila was going to make it look like Marinette pushed her down the stairs. The five knew that school staff were going to believe Lila because they are dump and blind. "They're going to believe her." the five said together.

Marinette: Where are you going?

Lila: You're about to find out! Ready?

(Lila fakes an an injury and Mr: Damocles goes outside)


Mr. Damocles: What happened over here?

Lila: Marinette pushed me down the stairs!

Mr. Damocles: In my office!

"Are you kidding me?!" shouted the five. "You're supposed to take her to the nurse! Not in your office! How dump are you?!" Judy shouted. Her blood was getting hotter every time she was watching. Judy was to snap at any minute.

Scene: Mr. Damocles' office

Marinette: But, sir, it wasn't me! I didn't do anything!

Lila: I don't know why Marinette doesn't like me! I've really tried to be her friend, but she keeps calling me a lair, getting the others to gang up against me, and now, she's pushing me down the stairs? (Fakes sadness)

Marinette: Those are total lies!

Mr. Damocles: Go on, Lila.

"Are you fucking seriously! What about Marinette's side of the story!" Judy shouted.

Lila: She even took a necklace I got from my grandma  — a fox pendant!

Mr. Damocles: Took, as in stole?

Marinette: Huh? That's not true! I never stole anything!

Tom: My daughter is not a thief!

Sabine: Why should we believe any of this? You're accusing her without any proof!

Marinette rolled her eyes at her parents. Her mom just cried because she was a 'bully' to Lila. Marinette heart felt like it been stabbed by the people who raised her. That was not what hurt her the most, but it was her so called friends who did not stand up for her.

Lila: Oh, I have proof.

Scene: Locker room.

Mr. Damocles: Open your locker, please.

(Marinette does so and the pendant falls out of her locker)

Lila: (gasps) My Grandma's pendant!

(Sabine and Marinette gasp)

Marinette: She's making up this whole thing! It wasn't me! I didn't do anything, I swear! (Sabine is crying) You know Lila's lying, don't you, Adrien?

Adrien: Mr. Damocles, I don't think-

Marinette looked away from Adrien. He said he be there for her. Then why did Adrien try harder to be there Marinette. That hurt her heart a loud since she was in love with him. Now Marinette had decided to move on from him.

Mr. Damocles: Marinette Dupain-Cheng, you are expelled from this school! (Everyone gasps)

Everyone went quiet as what they saw. Judy had heard enough and saw enough to get pissed. She walked over to her boss. Alistar turn around and saw Judy has an angry aura around her. "Mr. Krei when we get back, we are suing the school" she tell him. "Yes, we are assistant" Alistar said.

After that Judy walked over to Marinette. Marinette pills her phone and gave it to the assistant. Judy takes the phone she put in her number along with Krei number. "Well, we're down now. Goodbye everyone" the hostess says. She claps her hand and send everyone back.

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