Beomkai- Detention

Start from the beginning

Kai grabbed his desk and kept pulling it backwards. It made a terrible scraping sound on the floor.

The teacher asked why they hated each other in the first place. Neither of them really knew. They had been enemies for as long as they could remember.

The earliest memory of fighting they had was of them playing tag with their first grade class. Beomgyu tagged Kai a little too hard and ended up pushing him over. He started laughing while Kai cried. The child on the ground got up, then pushed the other back down. They've hated each other since.

Figuring out that neither of them knew why the rivalry was there, didn't make things better. It just made it awkward. Beomgyu insisted that Kai had been an ass as long as he's known him. Kai insisted the same. They argued until detention was over.

Day five. The two walked into the exact same setting. Their desks were facing each other. The teacher there said they could shave an hour off of saturday's detention if they answered a few simple questions. Sarcastic answers wouldn't count. They agreed.

The first question was, "what is something you admire about the other person?"

They both held back sarcastic comments. It was too easy to insult the other with that question. Kai saw Beomgyu biting his tounge like he was and they started laughing together.

That was the first good sign. The teacher flipped a coin to see who would answer first. It was Beomgyu. He grumbled then said nothing at first until he was reminded of the shortened detention. "Fine. I don't hate his guitar playing. It's actually really cool."

Kai said "I don't hate his singing. The cover in the talent show didn't make my ears bleed."

Beomgyu grinned with pride.

The next question was "if you could take either a skill or a physical trait from the other person, what would it be?"

Beomgyu answered "his height. I wish I was that tall."

Kai answered "his deep voice. If I could keep my current vocal range and add yours, I'd be the greatest singer in the world."

The last question was "besides the clubs you're in, what do you like to do after school?"

Beomgyu answered "play guitar."

Kai answered "listen to music. Wait, you play guitar?"

"Yeah, I play. I'm not as good as you but I'm a hell of a lot better than everyone else in your band."

"Really? If you sing and play, why aren't you in the band?"

"Because you were in it first."

Kai went silent after that. He understood it which made the mood awkward.

The teacher told them they successfully shaved an hour off of their saturday detention. The rest of it was silent.

Day 6 was different. There was no desks. Just two chairs and a guitar on each chair. Kai laughed upon seeing it. Beomgyu hated himself for laughing because his enemy did.

The teacher told them not to break them or else they're buying them.

Kai picked up the one on his usual side first. He began strumming different songs.

Beomgyu watched him for a few minutes without realizing he wasn't playing himself. He was immersed in the small performance the other was giving. He noted how effortlessly his enemy seemed to be doing it too.

Kai continued to play while he glanced at Beomgyu. "Want me to teach you any songs?"

"Ugh. No." Beomgyu started to strum himself.

Kai recognized the song he was trying to play. He began playing with him. Then he started to help him when the other got stuck.

Beomgyu appreciated the help but his pride wouldn't let him show it. At one point, Kai's fingertips were holding the ones he had on the neck of the guitar. He let the other continue to help him. Once he finally got it down, he insisted on trying without help.

Kai applauded when the other completed the song without mistakes.

Beomgyu refused to smile but the blush in his cheeks were giving his true feelings away. Detention was over. Kai left before he saw the blush. Beomgyu watched him leave. He couldn't wait for detention tomorrow.

Day 7, Kai and Beomgyu spent the entire time playing and singing together. They compared songs in their playlists and began to harmonize.

Kai started to show off towards the end. He couldn't stop smiling when he noticed Beomgyu was unable to take his eyes off of him.

When detention ended, Beomgyu said "see you tomorrow."

"Yeah. See ya." Kai watched him leave in his parent's car. He couldn't wait.

Day 8. The last day of detention. It was in the library this time and they were allowed to have their phones.

They helped each other with homework while listening to each other's playlists. Kai learned they had very similar tastes in music.

Beomgyu started to get bold. He playfully grabbed Kai's waist to see what would happen. He was thrilled when the other didn't negatively react.

The two managed to get a project done and finish all of their homework two hours in. They spent the last hour just talking.

Kai found someone as chaotic as him. Beomgyu was just as loud and just as ridiculous as he was.

Before they left to go to their parents cars, they exchanged numbers.

Once two enemies, now spent the entire weekend texting each other. Monday came, Beomgyu said "hi" to Kai and offered to walk him to class. They sat together at lunch and made plans to study together during the weekend. No one could believe how flirty they became. Some assumed it was a dare.

On Valentines day, Beomgyu officially asked Kai out with a red teddy bear. He said yes.

Their first date was to the movies. Their first kiss was on the way back to the movie theater lobby. Their first fight was over the summer when Kai falsely thought he saw his boyfriend with someone else at the pool. Their first dance was the homecoming one the following school year. And the first time they said "I love you" was when they were in detention again for beating up a homophobic kid making fun of them.

End of senior year, they learned they were accepted into the same college. They also found out they would be roommates. Watching the excitement in Beomgyu's eyes as they moved their stuff into their dorm, made Kai fall in love more. He vowed to marry him one day.

4 years later, after they both landed their dream jobs. He did.

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