Chapter Sixty-Seven: The Wedding of Rupert and Ellie

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21st of November 2020 - FitzClarence Manor

There had been a lot of back and forth in it came to reorganising Rupert and Ellie's wedding, the entire situation had been difficult with lockdown being pushed further and further on. 

There seemed to be no end in sight and no one could be sure that they'd even be allowed to celebrate Christmas together as a family. 

Standing in the rooms that she had chosen to get ready in, Ellie stared out of the window at the gardens where she should have been married six months earlier; it felt unreal that the day had actually arrived. 

There would be many friends and extended family that would be watching the wedding from their living rooms at home, it wasn't the grand celebration that either her or Rupert had imagined. 

Kristen helped her daughter dress for her wedding, a mask firmly on her face as she did what she could to boast moral; it was sad that she couldn't have her friends with her to help on this occasion. 

For Ellie's side of the family, it would be her parents and brother in attendance while for Rupert it would be his mother, elder brother and sister-in-law. 

His nieces and nephews wouldn't get to attend the wedding, the numbers just not permitting such an attendance; including the office that would marry them, there were nine people at the wedding. 

Looking at herself in the mirror, Ellie ran her fingers down the dress that she had chosen and she hated that people wouldn't get to see it; she had spent such a long time trying to find her dress. 

"Ellie?" Adeline asked popping her head into the room, she smiled at Kristen who was helping her get ready and she knew that this was not how Ellie had pictured the day. 

She had wanted her friends here to help her get ready, a fun morning before she married the man that she loved; however, due to covid that hadn't been possible and instead it was just her mother here with her getting ready. 

Kristen looked nervous, she was never quiet sure how to address Adeline when she was around her; she doubted she would ever get used to the fact that in some small way she was related to the royal family. 

"I brought you a little something, it's not much and it's sort of a welcome to the family gift," Adeline admitted with a small smile, she had put a lot of thought into the gift and she hoped that Ellie liked the gift.

Ellie turned to look at Adeline, she had turned down the use of any of the family tiaras since it wasn't the look that she wanted for her wedding day and she was sure about that especially since she'd end up comparing herself to Adeline. 

Handing over the box, Adeline smiled as she watched Ellie carefully opened it with a curious look on her face; the jewellery set had been created by the royal jewellers at Adeline's request.

It was a simple design, something that Adeline was sure that Ellie would love them; she'd even asked Rupert for his opinion on the jewels that were to be a wedding gift for his bride. 

"Adeline..." Ellie whispered in awe of the jewellery, it was hard to wrap her head around that she was holding them and she didn't know what to say; she knew that they would be expensive and something that she nor her parents could afford.

It was unreal that she was marrying into a family with so much money, Rupert had assured her that she'd never have to worry about working and she could find something that she was passionate about. 

"I figured that you would need something a little special, a set of jewels that are just your own and that you can pass on to your own children one day," Adeline said with a smile, the main family jewels would be passed to her own children when the time was right. 

Princess Adeline, Duchess of ClarenceOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant