Chapter Ninety: The Family Gathering

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30th of July 2022 - FitzClarence Manor, Surrey

The garden was filled with the screams of grandchildren as Anne stared out over the garden with a smile on her face; her six grandchildren all together and she couldn't help but feel blessed that she got to see all of this. 

Her cancer diagnoses had not been the end of her life, she had fought for everything that she had right now and she would count her blessings every day. 

A part of her felt selfish for being glad that Edward had not lived to see such a sight, that he hadn't been able to ruin their grandchildren's lives like he had tried to do with their children's live. 

Edmund and his daughter were also in attendance, the happy gathering completely unaware of Anne's real motives for inviting them all to spend the afternoon in the sun. 

Anne took a deep breath, she made her way down the steps and towards the happy gathering that were completely oblivious to what was about to happen. 

"Nana," Jia called rushing away from her cousins to greet their grandmother, a massive smile on her face; the nearly three year old was catching up quick to her older cousins. 

Helena and Albert were only a few months older, Jia spent a lot of time with them and they were always playing games at their Nana's house. 

Anne grinned ducking down to hug Jia and she prayed that life would always be this easy, she had thought that she would feel trapped in her role as Edward's wife for the rest of her life but now she was free. 

Her eyes swept over her children, Simon and Adeline, Lucy and Celine, Rupert and Ellie; they were the future and she adored every second that she had with their families. 

Daphne, Sebastian, Helena, Albert, Jai and Riley were everything to her, they were her small reward in all of this and she counted her blessings that she had gotten to see her children live full lives. 

Anne didn't even begrudge Susan finding her version of happiness, she doubted that she would meet any children from her marriage to Prince Joseph but there was always a small chance no matter what might happen. 

"We have an announcement," Anne said with a smile, she looked to Edmund who moved to her side and took her hand as they looked out across the family that had gathered. 

Violet stared at her father confused, she wasn't sure what was about to happen but she knew that he had been keeping secrets from her over the last two weeks and she didn't understand why.

"Edmund and I didn't just invite you here for a garden party," Anne said clearing her throat and squeezing Edmund's hand, she held it tightly knowing that she would not change her mind; it was time to start living the life that she wanted. 

Simon smiled wrapping an arm around Adeline, he already knew what was going on but he wasn't going to spoil it for his mother; afterall, Edmund had come to him for his blessing on the matter. 

It was not a surprise that the man had wished to marry Anne, he had spoken to Simon of his wish and had promised to look after her; give her the life that she had never had with Edward. 

"We're getting married today," Anne announced, she didn't care about a big white wedding or anything special; she had done all of that before, no she would marry wearing the purple dress that she was wearing right now. 

There was a stunned silence for a moment, no one quite sure what was happening for a moment before everyone burst into action; congratulations and questions quickly coming from their children. 

"We don't have time, the minister is waiting in the drawing room," Anne said raising her hand knowing that they could not keep the good man waiting. 

There had been enough trouble to do this in such short notice and she did not want to keep the man waiting, Edmund seconded her as he moved to speak with his own daughter to ask her to be his best man. 

Princess Adeline, Duchess of ClarenceWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu