Chapter Twenty: Harry's New Girlfriend

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29th of July 2016 - Barnwell Manor

"Eugenie set me up on another blind date," Harry revealed sitting down at the kitchen counter as he helped himself to a ice lolly from the freezer, it was nice to be able to get away from the city even for a few days. 

He had come to Northamptonshire to visit his sister, he wanted to share the news with her before he told William about his blind date. 

"How did this one go?" Adeline asked pottering around the kitchen, it was such a beautiful day and she could see Flynn playing in the garden with Simon and Daphne; her daughter's delighted squeals could be heard as she played fetch with the dog. 

It was peaceful here and Adeline couldn't keep the smile from her face as she watched them; it warmed her heart to see Simon with their daughter, it was everything that she had ever wanted. 

"A lot better than the last," Harry admitted grinning, it had been so refreshing to go on a date with the other person didn't know anything about him; she didn't seem to care that he was a prince and had only asked if he was kind when she'd asked Eugenie about him. 

There had been so pretty bad dates in the last few years, the media often the reason that the relationship came to an end or people were too focused on the fact he was a prince. 

Meghan was different, she was an American that didn't care for that sort of thing; she'd had taken his breath away when he had seen her for the first time. 

"She's an American actress, philanthropist, blogger, pretty famous in her own right and has her own money," Harry bragged a little, he hadn't seen the show she was on himself but he'd promised when he'd last seen her that he'd check it out when he got the chance to do so. 

Meghan had told him how she had written a letter that had changed an washing up liquid advert that had aired back in America; her tales about her work for charity and bringing attention to the causes that were close to her heart made him think that she was perfect. 

He felt like he could finally have what William had with Catherine, what Adeline had with Simon; it was all just so perfect and he couldn't wait to introduce Meghan to everyone. 

Adeline turned to look at her brother, the look on his face wasn't one that she recognised and she tried to ignore the uneasy feeling in her stomach about a woman that he had only just met.

"We've been on a couple of dates already, it's been a whirl wind since you know she's only in town for a couple of weeks before she heads back to Toronto," Harry carried on with a bigger smile on his face. 

It had all happened so fast, Meghan had flown back to Canada yesterday and it had been a sad goodbye since Harry didn't know when he would see her again; he had promised to come and visit her in Toronto as soon as he could. 

"We met for a drink and she suggested we meet up again the next day. I was actually thinking of inviting her to join me in Botswana when I go," Harry explained their first date, he was eager to spend more time with Meghan who was everything that he had ever wanted. 

They could camp out under the stairs, he didn't care how long she could make it for since he knew that her schedule was busy and she had so much work to do; they could really be themselves out there and it would be the perfect time for them to truly get to know one another without the burdens of who they both where. 

Adeline was silent for a moment, she stared at Harry not entirely sure what to say to him; the look on his face was enough to tell her that he was serious about this one, that he really liked her. 

There were a thousand thoughts in her mind and she knew that she didn't want to crush her brother when he was this happy; surely if he was this happy then her worries weren't necessary. 

Princess Adeline, Duchess of ClarenceKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat