"Umm... what are you doing?" Merida asked. She was seated at a table by herself, but a boy with light blond hair and dark blue eyes had come over.

Was she looking at Fallon?

"Taking you to dance," Fallon explained as if it was obvious. He did look extremely prepared for the event. His hair was slicked to perfection, his collar had flecks of gold, and his shoes practically glowed.

Seeing his attire, Sophie could infer that his life included plenty of cavalier treatment.

He reached an arm out to her shoulder and tried taking her hand, but she quickly wrapped her hands around herself protectively.

"I..." Merida started, looking around nervously. "I need to go to the bathroom," she finished wildly.

"Uh... okay," Fallon replied. "I'll just... wait over here."

"Great," Merida said clenched teeth. "See you... later."

She tried to keep her steps even as she walked away, but the tension was still apparent.

Careful to avoid being caught, Merida slipped outside to a very familiar setting- the benches outside of school where she and Justin talked.

She sat down on a bench, the only source of light being the myriad of colorful beams from the dance inside. She clutched the folds of her blue dress as tears fell onto her lap.

That's when someone said her name. It was a gentle whisper at first, and Merida barely registered it, but then someone repeated it.

Merida wiped her eyes quickly and nearly jumped up in alarm before realizing who it was.

"Justin!" Merida exclaimed, her voice squeaky. "W-what are you doing here?"

"I guess I thought I'd come anyway," Justin said, pointing to his outfit. It was nowhere near as fancy and elaborate as Fallon's, but it did cast him in a unique light.

"Why?" Merida asked. "It's too crowded, too loud, and just plain horrible."

"I had a feeling that I'd find you," Justin mumbled. He didn't look at her.

"Thank you," Merida said, sniffing. "You... look nice."

A smile spread across his face. "You do too."

Both of them found each other's hands. It was a habit, a connection, a feeling.

"Fallon's waiting for me inside," Merida realized fearfully. "I told him I was going to be in the restroom- he should be starting to get suspicious."

Justin's face fell. "You should go back then."

"I don't want to," Merida said bitterly. "I don't like him. He tried to touch me and I felt very uncomfortable."

"The creep," Justin muttered darkly, taking Merida into his arms. "That's horrible."

There were several beats of silence as they stayed in their places, none of them wanting to break apart from the embrace.

As Justin leaned closer, Sophie knew what was going to happen.

Her hunch was correct. 

The contact took both of them by surprise.

Justin was the one to pull away, and Sophie wasn't sure how much time had passed.

Merida looked stunned- but not in a bad way.

She didn't react to Justin saying her name, but she did snap out of her trance when he held her hand again.

Why did seeing them together make a thousand thorns pierce Sophie's heart?

Keeper of the Lost Cities: ElysianWhere stories live. Discover now