Chapter 28 - Evil waiters

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We landed in Busan. Well, at least in South Korea. That was good news.

Bad news? Herd of dirty bloods which we wanted to escape in Antarctica. Here they also had a nest. They were as surprised seeing us as we were surprised seeing them. Chan was first to react, jumping at them with his sword. He was followed by Seoyun, Gunwoo and my friends. I also wanted to join but out of the blue my legs weakened and I fell on my elbows, nearly breaking my nose.

"Minho?" Haeun got worried. She kneeled beside me. "What's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?"

"Oh no," I whispered. It wasn't fatigue due to the shift or my last royal fury. Why so soon?! I just drank... I feverishly looked for Gunwoo. "Hyung! Emergency!"

Gunwoo stopped the fight and threw me confused look. But Seoyun understood. She already dealt once with hungry me and knew what it meant.

Especially when the appetizer was just beside me...

"Minho?" Haeun reached out to me.

"No!" I screamed, pushing her away again. I felt like an idiot but I couldn't risk biting her. This time it wouldn't be illusion. "Don't come near me, please!"


No, not them too...

Luckily Seoyun was the first one to grab me and she lifted me, covering my mouth and nose so I couldn't smell the human blood. Vampires' blood had weaker scent than human one.

"Focus on the fight!" Seoyun shrieked, taking me aside. "We'll be fine! Your Highness..." she turned to me.

I was trembling as if I took frost from Antarctica with me and in Busan was still autumn. I clenched my teeth and eyes, trying not to think about hunger.

"Be back in a moment," Chan said and shifted.

"It's probably because of your fury back there," Seoyun stated, sitting me up next to the tree. "Sit here while I –"

Suddenly we heard a scream. My heart skipped a beat. Haeun has been attacked by dirty blood. One was holding her hands behind her back and the other one was closer and closer to her neck.

"NO!" I shrieked and before Seoyun grabbed me, I threw myself on vampires.

I cut off the head of the nearest one and pierced his chest at the same time. The other one lost the leg and received my claws in his eyes. I grabbed Haeun and pushed her aside. I lowered my hands, breathing heavily. I collapsed at the same time when Chan arrived.

"Minho!" Gunwoo grabbed me when I fell down but I didn't faint this time.

"Bon appétit," Chan said and gave me freshly killed chicken.

"T-Thanks," I muttered and bit in. Immediately I felt better. Then I realized Seoyun turned Haeun's head away from me. Now I felt just bad.

"I'm hungry too," Changbin flashed with intelligence. "We both are. Let's go eat something."

Seoyun looked at me. "Can you move?"

"Sure... It's okay now. Let's go. I want to eat something normal too."

I glanced unsure at Haeun who walked before me with Jisung and Changbin. I wondered what she was thinking about me now.

We reached the restaurant called Happy Hippo. Okay...?

"Great!" Changbin screamed and entered first.

"I just hope they don't serve hippos," Jisung muttered.

We sat at two tables. I, Haeun, Jisung and Changbin at one and Gunwoo, Seoyun and Chan at the second one.

"What would you like?" we heard above our heads.

One Drop of Blood Too Much - The BeginningHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin