Chapter 3 - Bloody C in math

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The next day at school was no better.

"Math test?!" a girl from my class gasped. "What are you saying? My God, I don't know anything! What now –"

"Jeez, you're so whiny. If you don't pass now, you'll do it next time. Big deal," her boyfriend growled.

"You don't care about your grades so shut up!"

I sighed. I, on the other hand, didn't care about joining their conversation. Somehow math test and grades weren't big deal to me...


I looked up and saw Park Haeun, my another classmate. She was standing before me unnaturally stiff and was twisting her fingers, which she was doing when she was nervous.

"Something's wrong, Haeun?" I asked, staring at her fingers, fearing she'll break them any moment.

"No!" she said. "Everything's fine! I just... I just wanted to say hi!"

"Yeah... hi," I said confused. When she was sitting at her desk, she nearly ended up on the floor.

Park Haeun was... how to say it... one of a kind. Usually she acted normal but sometimes she was making scenes like this one a moment ago. Then I was totally dumbfounded how to react.

"Uhu," I heard behind my back. "Someone likes someone."

"Shut up, Dongtae," I said.

"Are we confirming it?" Dongtae answered with oversweet voice.

"I'm not confirming anything. I'm not into Park Haeun."

"But she's into you," Dongtae said, using the same annoying voice when he wanted to mock someone.

I thought about his words. Somehow they didn't move me at all, and should in case of any normal guy when someone tells him that intelligent and pretty girl took interest in him. For some reason Dongtae's words even irritated me. Not long ago I was also interested in girls. Once I liked this one girl from middle school. A lot. Only then I realized how dangerous for her it was. Now I didn't want anyone too close to me when I had vampires on my tail every day. Apart from the fact that I was one of them and I didn't know when I was to go mad.

"Hey, did you see Myong?" I heard whispers from neighboring bench. "He looks so unwell today."

"I heard he had some accident before school but he doesn't want to tell anyone what exactly happened."


I glanced at Myong and for some reason shivers crept through my back. He was wearing a turtleneck and was looking as unwell as others described him. In short: he looked like a ghost. But before I could take closer look at him, teacher came in and handed out tests.

Of course, I gave back empty sheet. Having some honor left, I put my name on the paper and sat down at my desk like a good boy. Teacher was kind enough to check the tests right away. I received F, as expected. But what worried me, was Myong's reaction.

When he found out he received C+, he went crazy. He began screaming at the teacher. Everyone in the class froze. Only my senses were on guard all the time. From the beginning I knew there was something wrong with Myong and now I knew what.

He was a vampire. Impureblood, in addition, seeing his not so kind intentions toward the teacher because of tests results. I've never seen anyone to jump at teacher with teeth from any reason, like Myong did now. Everyone panicked and threw themselves toward the exit. I couldn't act in this chaos! Then I remembered I didn't have my weapon – it was still at Kim Byungchul's place where I was supposed to go later today. Damn it!

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