"It seems you don't trust the Indian force. If we said we can't go in, there must be an important reason why. This land is ours. We know the way nature works. What if...."

"I'd appreciate it if you don't speak. You're also going to search for her once the rain ceases. Meanwhile, let them, who can go in despite the rain do. They also care for their lives as much as you do, but they know saving someone is more important." his face shifted to the sea, and he took a peek. Anxiousness was eating him up. Some of them have gone in. He was hoping when they'll come out, it would be with Shraddha.

His phone rang. He cut it not in the mood to speak to anyone. It rang again. He saw it was from Poonam hence he picked up. It has been a day since he heard from them because yesterday, he spent the night in front of the prison as he wanted to stay close to Shraddha.

"Hello, Father. How are....."

"Is Riddhima fine?" he enquired and when she answered with a yes, he hung up.

He returned to the Inspector and inquired about how she fell despite the commissioner informing him about her bail.

"She fell from that building."

Anand's gaze watched the six-storey building, his eyes focusing on the last open balcony that has no protection with railing.

"Investigation is still ongoing. When I informed her about her bail, she fell. After she fell, we saw blood on the spot she stood last. However, none of us shot her. Unless her body is found, ..."

"She isn't a body yet. She is still alive."

"Of course. We're all hoping for that."

"I wish to examine the crime scene myself. I have to know how she fell. Did she slip? Trip over something or was she shot since you mentioned there was blood."

"Okay. You can come with us." the Inspector led him to the building and onto the balcony.

"There are two assumptions with the blood. Either she slipped and before she fell got injured with this nail,"

Anand eye's peeked at the rusty nails on the wood which was very close to the edge.

"Or she was shot."

"How? She may have gotten injured with them. And the pricks need to be treated, or she will suffer from an infection." He voiced with worry, his eyes descending and taking a look at the rescue team who were still not out from the water.

"If you scope the nails carefully, you'll notice there is no sign of blood. Again, we can't conclude without much evidence. The other assumption about her being shot is from this," he and Anand head closer to the spot she stood last before falling.

"The blood is bright red." Anand said. "And a lot. It couldn't have been from the nails." he added. However, still not buying the second option. He didn't want to believe she could be shot else, there would be no chance of her coming out alive.

"No one left or came into the building while we were here. Sadly, there are no cameras in the area, but once the rain ceases, we'll begin to interrogate the people around."

"Also, maybe the bullet just grazed her skin. If she was in fact shot." the inspector added.

"If, she was shot, and the bullet grazed her skin," Anand believed that since it was possible. "The person who shot her must be the one who framed her for kidnapping. He or she knows Shraddha. They may be someone very close to her who wants her to get out of their lives. I feel this is why he attempted to send her to jail. Why do I feel Riya's daughter didn't die naturally too? What if everything is connected?" Anand randomly voiced his thoughts to the inspector. "What if he killed her to blame it on Shraddha because he didn't want her to serve seven years imprisonment, but a life sentence? What if he exchanged my lawyer? Who is he?" he yelled.

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