-As Good As Dead-

Start from the beginning

You looked back at Zabzua and only to see he was crying..."you talk too much" is all he said and it broke your heart 

"Y/n was going to save your life, i won't let you do the same thing to her" Naruto said making you ball up your fists

"your words cut deep...deeper than any blade...while he fought you my heart was breaking in two you see Haku was always to soft he felt pain and sorrow and now curse him....i feel them too and something else i feel content this is the way it ends" Zabzua said grabbing you shoulder 

"what do you mean" you said looking up at him 

You watched as he shook of the bandage on his mouth, "well cat got your tongue or are you surprised that i am human even Shinobi are human no matter how hard we try to escape that simple fact we always fail well at least i have failed..." Zabzua said looking down at you 

"Zabzua...please don't do this" you said with tears falling 

"I have failed my Lord...please don't let me fail you too" you said and he pulled you into a hug 

"You have never failed child, i thank you for giving me something to protect" he said and you cried into him 

"I'm sorry Zabzua, thank you for everything" you said and let go wiping your tears away as he had his hand on your shoulder 

"Hand me your Kunai Kid" Zabzua said talking to Naruto 

You caught the Kunai and put it in Zabzua's mouth and watched as he ran on, fighting the crowd 

You gasped holding your mouth as you watched him get stabbed here and there, he fought only to stab Gato right in the chest 

You watched as Zabzua got stabbed many more times and he knocked Gato off the bridge

All the men dropped their weapons and man a clear path for Zabzua...you watched Zabzua walk down that path as the Kunai dropped from his mouth 

He fell to the ground "Haku....i guess this is it not once did i ever thank you...please forgive me for that" Zabzua said as he laid flat on the ground 

You ran to Zabzua's side...you looked at him "i'll always be here you....Zabzua" you said taking his headband off as all the men started to talk 

"hey don't get to relaxed now this party ain't over yet who's gonna pay now that Gato's gone 

You watched as they all started to run but something fell out of the sky...i was an arrow 

You looked up to see all the people from the town they were here and ready to save us 

You saw Naruto so a shadow clone Jutsu and then Kakashi did the same Jutsu as well

"Okay still want to fight" you heard all the Kakashi copys say

"NO WAY" you heard all the people yell and run away 

You looked back down at Zabzua and held his face "you deserved better" you said and held a tight grip onto his headband 

Just then you looked up to see Kakashi looking down at you 

"sounds like..its over" you heard Zabzua say 

"Yes it is" you said 

"kakashi...Y/n, i have a favor to ask" Zabzua said

"what is it" Kakashi said 

"take me to him...before i go i want to see him one last time" Zabzua said 

"Sure" you heard Kakashi said and you helped him pull all the arrows out of Zabzua's back 

Kakashi picked up Zabzua and you held his hand and you felt him squeeze it which broke your heart 

Kakashi set him down by Haku when it started to snow , 

"Thank you Kakashi, and Y/n thank you so much i will dearly miss you" he said holding one side of you face 

You held his hand and sobbed "you will be missed as well Zabzua" you said crying and you set his hand down 

Zabzua grabbed your hand when you tried to get up, you guessed he wanted you there at his side 

"You were always there at my side, the least i can do for you is be beside you in the end, i know it cannot be but i wish i could join you to where you have gone....Haku" is all you heard Zabzua say as for those were his last words 

You grasped his hand tight as well as his headband you still held 

"Zabzua" you whispered before standing up~

Later that day you sat by Zabzua's grave leaning on his sword, 

"i will live in your honor Zabzua, for i will not let your death...b-be useless" you said holding your tears back

You stood up and started to walk towards the team

Saskue was alive thanks to Haku's grace and now your mission is still on...for this time you won't fail...

You stood by Kakashi, Sakura, Naruto, and Saskue as you were all ready to leave back to your village 

"we could not have completed the bridge without you, i can't tell you how much we are going to miss you" the old man said 

"You swear the little boy Inari said sounding like he was going to cry 

"Yes, you know Inari its alright to cry if you want there's nothing wrong with that go for it" Naruto said 

"who said i'm gonna cry if there's nothing wrong with it then why don't you cry" Inari said 

You watched the two boys start to cry as you all five headed off back to the hidden leaf but nothing was going to be the same

You walked with no expression on your face, you didn't even feel like reading your book...i only hope Zabzua is the only one you will ever have to lose~

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