-Day Off-

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Filler Chapter!!! Not based on real Naruto events

You woke up around eight to feel some squirming, you sat up looking down at the bed, oh yes the snake

"Hey there little guy, i guess we best get you some stuff while i have a day off" you said getting up and ready

You took a quick shower and wrapped a towel around you and started to brush your teeth seeing the snake on your shoulder, that was until till you heard the door bell ring

You walked out with your tooth brush in your mouth forgetting you were in a towel and your snake still on your shoulder

You opened the door to see Naruto, "oh hi Naruto" you said with your tooth brush in the way

"Oh...Y/n hi, i was wondering if you wanted to go get ramen with me" he asked and you thought

"i have some errands but come in" you said and he entered "i'll be right out" you said walking back to the bathroom

You walked out dressed and ready to go holding the snake, "Naruto ramen sounds lovely but i have to get some things" you said and he looked down sad

Hmm, "why don't you tag along and then we'll get ramen on the way home deal" you said and he looked up happily

"yes that sounds great...but why are you holding a snake" he asked and you petted it

"well its my snake, kabo" you said giving it a quick name

"come along" you said grabbing your yen purse out of your drawer and putting the snake on your shoulder and opening the door

You walked beside Naruto admiring the sunny day looking around the market,

"Hey Naruto i'm new here do you mind helping me find this list" you said and handed him the list

"yeah of course" he said as you watched him look at the list "well the fruits and veggies are going to be over here" he said guiding you

You arrived at the shop grabbing apples and Naruto looked at you funny

"why are you getting these" he asked "well its healthy and some is for the snake" you said and he still looked disgusted

You grabbed some peppers and berries putting them in the bags they offered and payed for them

"thank you" you said to the man and walked away with Naruto, "plants....that way" he said and you carried your bag

You arrived at the plants ad looked around, "hey there, we have plants of all sizes" the man said who was selling them

"do you happen to have a size small enough for a glass tank" you asked him and he nodded

"how about this" he said handing you a small sized succulent, "thank you, how much for it" you asked and payed putting it in its own bag~

You and Naruto walked around all day getting the things on your list and your arms were full as you carried the glass case

"Hey Naruto" you said "yea" "do you m-mind if i take this home first" you said and he nodded

"do you want some help" you nodded as you walked up to your apartment, he helped you carrying it up the stairs and into your apartment

You both set it down at the same time and looked up to see your faces were close together and backed away fast and you giggled as his blushing face

"well i'm ready" you said putting all the bags down as the snake slithered from your shoulder to your bed curling up

You and Naruto talked about his past on your way to the shop as the sun was setting

Naruto opened the curtain for you and you ducked under his arm and sat in one of the high chairs and Naruto sat beside you

"well anything you want i'll pay" he said and you smiled "really, where's the money" you said and he pulled out a frog wallet, he looked in to see...nothing

"hehe, well..." he said and you laughed and saw the ramen man walk out,

"what can i get you two" he asked "hmm one ramen bowl for me and two for him" you said and he nodded

"two" Naruto said and you looked at him "what, can you not eat two" you said and he laughed

"no its juts you know me too well" he said and you nodded

"well this will be my second bowl of ramen" you said and he slowly looked at you

"you've only ever had two" he said and you nodded "where did you have your first one" he asked

"here actually" you said "when, with who" he said and you giggled at all the questioning

"well when i was 4 and with a man by the name Might Guy and i only hope to see the man one day again" you said remembering the moment

The man came out and delivered your meals "here you go" he said and you grabbed the sticks and watched as Naruto ate as fast as he could

You laughed and ate yours slowly, it tasted very good it was nice eating something like this once in awhile

"well Y/n we talked about...my childhood what about yours" he said in between slurps of noodles as you fished yours

You sighed setting the bowl down and looked at Naruto,

"well i was a pretty smart child, that's what my dad told me, i never had a mom but i did have a big brother and they both took great care if me, i worked everyday and trained hard for them of course it was never easy but it was worth it for them" you said smiling

"did you have any friends" he asked "well not really, no kid friends at least i was never around kids my dad was a scientist of the sort so he was usually busy on work" you said

"wow, you never seen kids" he asked and you giggled

"no i have, just never was friends with them at a young age" you said "oh" he said and you nodded You both got up and you paid for Naruto's meal

You walked home with him looking up at the night sky

"it sure it pretty" you said and he nodded "thanks for going with me Y/n, no one usually does" he said and you looked at him

"well i enjoyed it we should do it more often" you said and he seemed to gleam with joy

"yes of course" he said as you arrived at your apartment, "well thank you for the night out, but next time remember the money" you said and he nodded

You looked at the boy, his blue eyes and yellow blonde hair you smiled and kissed him on the cheek and he looked at you blushing

"night Naruto" you said and closed the door

You walked in and put all your groceries up and got your snake tank ready,

When it was ready you picked your snake up and put him in it "there you go Kabo" you said and saw a crow on your balcony and it seemed to have a piece of paper in its beak

The crow handed it to you and you thought this was strange...oh yea maybe its from Itachi

You read the paper 'Y/n this is Kabuto, i wanted to remind you that your medical Jutsu needs a little training and sent food pills with the bird, love Kabuto'

You smiled and looked at the crow holding your hand out and it handed you a pill jar in its claws

"thank you, tell Kabuto-san i said thank you and i love him" you aid and the crow flew away

You smiled at the paper and set it in your desk as well with the paper and got ready for bed~

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