-As Good As Dead-

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You looked to see an army behind the little man 

"Gato, i don't understand what is all this, why are you here and who are these thugs you brought with you" Zabzua said and you stood by Zabzua looking at Kakashi 

"well i see their has been a change of plans...acording to the new plan you die right here on this bridge Zabzua" the little man said 

"WHAT" Zabzua said and you looked at at the little man 

"HE...will. not. die." you said pulling out a Kunai "Y/n..." Zabzua said

"HA, you poor little thing who even are you...for you Zabzua that's right your too expensive and i need to take you off the payroll  of course even these thugs i brought cost something so you could manage to slaughter a few of them before you die i'd appreciate it" Gato said, this man made you sick 

"Think you can manage that deamon of the hidden mist, you look about as demonic as a wet kitten" Gato said and that made you snap you ran up to the man with your Kunai 

"Y/N STOP" Naruto yelled 

You ran up to him in anger and punched him in the face making him fall back far


"i'm a failure, but i won't fail Zabzua" you said 

"well Kakashi looks like our fight comes to an end" Zabzua said and you walked up to him 

You walked over to Zabzua and got in a fighting stance 

"since i am no longer in Gato's employ Tazuna is safe we have no coral" Zabzua said 

"yeah, i supose your right " Kakashi said as you watched Gato walk up to Haku's dead body 

"Ha you almost broke my arm, i only wish you were alive to feel this" Gato said kicking the boy 

"HEY STOP THAT" Naruto said yelling running after to man but Kakashi held him down 

"Use your head Naruto" Kakashi 

"well what about you Zabzua, you gonna let him do that" Naruto yelled 

"Be quit you fool, Haku's dead what does it matter" Zabzua said 

"WHAT, that's means you can just sit there and watch him get treated like a dog, you and Haku were together for years dosn't that mean anything" Naruto yelled 

"you don't understand the way of Shinobi i merely used him as Gato used me now its over his usefulness is at an end the loss of his strenght and skill yes that means something to me but the boy nothing" Zabzua said and you looked back at him 

"if you mean that your an even bigger rat than i thought" Naruto said "okay that's enough calm down Naruto he's not the emeny not right now-" Kakashi tried saying 

"SHUT UP, as far as i'm concerned he's enemy number one...after everything he did for you, HAKU LIVED FOR YOU you were the most important thing in the world for him and he ment nothing to you NOTHING AT ALL, while he was sacrficeing everything for you...you didn't feel anythign at all for him and if i become stronger does that mean i'll become as cold hearted as you are..." Naruto said 

You looked at Zabzua he looked like he was in sorrow 

"he threw his life away for you and for what your stupid dream, you never let him have a dream of his own but he didn't care and you just tossed him asdie like he was nothing...a broken tool....man that's so wrong..." Naruto said as you watched him cry

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