C'mon C'mon

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(Jewels POV)(night time)
I couldn't sleep. I was too afraid. I mean could you sleep if you knew your nutty ex was still out there? Yeah I didn't think so. I decided to get a glass of water. I slipped on some socks I found in a drawer and left the room.
I wandered around for like 15 mins till I finally found the kitchen. I then had to look around for ten mins to find a cup. I turned the tap on and filled the glass up. Then in a unlady like way I chugged it.
"Well somebody's thirsty"Someone observed aloud. I was so startled I choked on my water. It gurgled out of my mouth and onto my shirt and into a puddle around my feet.
"S-s-sorry I honestly didn't mean to scare you."Niall flushed and stuttered.
"It's okay."I said and looked at myself"Gross"
"Those clothes don't fit you very well."Niall observed"Wanna borrow something of mine?"
"Could I?"I asked.
"Sure. C'mon."He said and gestured with his head towards the door.
"Okay."I replied and set the glass down.
"One sec."Niall said and crossed the room to the fridge.He then grabbed a bunch of food and sodas and shut the door of the fridge with his foot.
"Let's go."He said.
(Later.Nialls closet.)
Niall's closet was not as big as Harry's but it was still impressive.
"Here ya go."The Irish Boy said.

Crappy ending I know but I wanna get this out there now so.

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