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Genevieve was in the kitchen with Harry as they grab the plates with the food made and serve it over to the Dursley's, that waited on the dining table. They took their food without a thank you at all, as Harry and Gwen shared a look. The two siblings began making their own dinner, which was scrambled egg and rice. It wasn't much, but it was good enough to feed the both of them.

Dinners weren't always like this, sometimes even the Dursley's were feeling generous and made food for all of them, it wasn't the best but it was always appreciated by the Potter siblings. Dudley finishes his food as he runs upstairs and make his way to his first bedroom, he used to have two but they gave one of them to Harry and Genevieve because the two of them could no longer fit in the old dusty cupboard.

Genevieve digs into her scrambled egg and finishes it in no time, she was a pretty big eater unlike her younger brother Harry. She looks over at Harry's plate, which his egg was barely even eaten. It was even smaller than his because the both of them decided that Harry needed less because he can't finish as much food as Gwen can.

Gwen would normally eat the Dursley's or Harry's leftovers if they couldn't finish, mostly they would call her 'The Dustbin' because they could just throw their leftovers at her and she would gladly take it. After Harry finally finishes all his food, they walk over to the living room, which wasn't far from the kitchen, it was all in one room.

Genevieve pulls out a storybook and reads it over to Harry, as Uncle Vernon tells them to quiet down. Uncle Vernon turns on the TV and the news would start playing, sometimes the two of them would close their book and watch aswell, but this time they didn't.

After a while of reading, Harry batted his eyes about to doze off, but he woke up to the sound of Uncle Vernon telling them to sleep.

"Okay, goodnight." Genevieve stands up from the large armchair and places the book on the coffee table, and grabs Harry's hand taking him upstairs to their room.

"Goodnight." Harry could swear he heard Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia mutter them a 'Goodnight', Genevieve appreciated it. It was as close as 'Thank you'.

They make their way to their bedroom, seeing how Dudley already had gone to bed. "Come on, Harry."

"Okay, Genevieve," Harry mumbled as he rubbed his eyes, Genevieve knew Harry was the only one probably to know how to pronounce her name. The Dursley's just called her 'Gwen'.

Gwen sat down on the bed with Harry, as he announces he was too tired to sleep again. Genevieve laughs as Harry lays his head on her shoulder as they talk about funny stuff and the Dursley's.

"Gwen, what if we're ever separated for a year or more?" Harry sighs looking a bit anxious.

"Don't think like that Harry, it never will happen. And if it does, I'll visit as often." Genevieve smiles and kisses Harry's forehead. No matter how mad she might get, she'll always be a good influence around her little brother.

"Promise?" Harry asks, sticking his pinky finger out.

"Promise." Genevieve smirks and interlocks their pinky fingers together, before letting go.

Harry hugs her while they lie down, as Gwen slowly strokes his hair gently. They could both hear the TV switch off and the sounds of footsteps coming upstairs. Gwen glanced at her brother, he was always quite small for his age, with his jet black hair and green eyes. Not to mention, that scar on his forehead. Gwen had the same but it was larger and more spread out, it wasn't that lightning bolt that Harry had, it was that spread out earthquake lines.

Harry called it an earthquake scar because her scar had long lines which looked like and earthquake, people at school called her creepy for it, so she mostly hid it with her bangs. She truly believed she was beautiful, Harry said so too, but it was just the scar that made her look not pleasing.

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