| 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 10 |

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JUNHYEONS COUCH HAD TO BE one of the most comfortable places etsuko had ever lied down. they decided to do some relaxing after they finished practicing some of the songs. she was on one side of the couch, while gunwook was on the other, with junhyeon laying between his legs. it was almost as if she wanted to be junhyeon for a sec-??

"this scene pisses me off every time." junhyeon announces. they were at the part in titanic where rose was on the abnormally large door, yet didn't offer to move so jack didn't die of hypothermia.

etsuko sits up, "every time? how often do you watch this movie?"

junhyeon side-eyes here before adverting his attention back to the screen, "my mom likes it. so this is, like, my 8th time."

gunwook shakes his head in disapproval, "you have too much time on your hands. get a job."

"i do have a job! i look after you and gyuvin. who knows what you two could get up to when your alone."

the two continue there conversation while etsuko gazes at the screen. imagine loving someone so much, you would keep them safe at the cost of your life. she wondered if she would ever love someone like that, or if someone would love her.

at the feeling of a vibration, etsuko picks up her phone only to put it back down after seeing who contacted here. kyungseo.

having already been staring at the girl, gunwook took interest in the phone, "who was that?"

"kyungseo. she never leaves me alone."

"seems like it. every time were out together, she always seems to be there."

"wait, wait, wait." junhyeon buts in. "everytime? you mean you two have been out more than once?"

the two share a soft smile before etsuko answers, "he usually spends most of the time making fun of my height."

"maybe milk could still save that 5'3-" she cuts him off, "shut up!"

she grabs the pillow from behind her back and chucks it in the direction of the too trying to hit gunwook. instead she accidentally hits junhyeon, who was in the middle of taking a sip of his drink. in the process, he spills his drink all over himself.

etsuko bursts out laughing as gunwook pushing the other off him, not wanting to get wet, "ugh! my mom got me this shirt!"

"ill pay for the dry cleaning babe, let it go!"

junhyeon leaves the room to go get changed, while gunwook scoots closer to etsuko.

"whats your favourite movie?" gunwook leans closer to the girl, putting his head in her shoulder.

she puts here finger on her chin, thinking, "probably, mulan. why?"

"well, we've been going out, but i still barely know the basics about you."

she chuckles, "okay, fine. ask away."

"favourite colour?"


"favourite food?"

"probably gyoza."

"favourite tv show?"

"barbie life in the dream house."

he makes a confused face.

"this is real television. get with the program." she answers.

"okay, favourite artist?"


"favourite song?"

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