Chapter 8 - You Could Have Been Hurt.

Start from the beginning

She ignited the two of her sabres contrasting in colour, one being an Iluminous orange and the other being a striking green.

She placed the blade carefully into the windshield beginning to draw a circle with the sabre.

The assassin twirled the vehicle in the air trying to shake off the dual sabred Jedi. The speeder stopped spinning and sped up abruptly, causing her to look behind her to see that Anakin was chasing the vehicle closely, Anakin deftly moved in and out of the oncoming traffic, across lanes, between buildings, and miraculously through a construction site.

"Shit." She cussed out finally finding some form of balance again, igniting the sabres and slamming both the blades into the engine.

He heard crackles and pops only for the vehicle's rear end to let off a little explosion and go off in flames, It began to suddenly decent causing Y/n to quickly put away her sabres and hold her hands out focusing on preventing as much collateral damage with her force ability.

Just as the speeder is about to nose dive into the ground, the assassin pulls it out, and it slides hard on the pavement in a shower of sparks, causing Y/n to go flying into the street.

The assassin exited the crashed speeder and ran. Y/n picked herself up off the pavement and ran after the dangerous person down the very crowded street ominously with her hood up and cloak flowing behind her as she ran.

It's the seedy underbelly of the city. Broken sidewalks, and garish lights reflected in filthy puddles.

The streets were crowded with various alien lowlifes,  droids, and the occasional group of upper class slummers. 

Y/n would force hop over large groups utilising buildings to help her catch up with the escaped criminal. 

Anakin and Obi-Wan's vehicle landed near the crash site and the two swiftly got out chasing after the two. 

"Who in the world is that? I never knew Jedi had two different sabre colours."

"Nor have I my padawan. At the very least we know he is on our team."

 Anakin barged into several of the aliens as Obi-Wan manoeuvred around them. They all chased after the fleeing assassin. The two lost the Bounty Hunter in the crowd, then spotted her again.

The Jedi were having a very difficult time getting through the crowd and keeping up with the hunt.

 Ahead, the cloaked Jedi ran into a building after the slippery shadowy figure through a door and disappeared. It looked to be a sleazy nightclub as the neon sign flashed above the door. 

Obi-Wan walked ahead through the club entrance as Anakin followed him.

The interior was dark and gloomy although there was little to no seats available in the nightclub.

Obi-Wan and Anakin entered the nightclub bar, and everyone stopped what they were doing and began to stare at them 

The two's gaze glossed over the crowd, "Can you see him?"  before Anakin could respond to his master he felt someone grab his elbow, ready for a fight he swiftly turned only to stop himself from cutting the arm off someone. "Y/n! When did you get here?" 

"I got in just behind you after I got down from those speeders."

"Don't do that again. You could have been hurt." Anakin spoke examining her being sure that she wasn't scathed.

"I didn't see her out there," Obi-Wan spoke with a questionable tone in his voice. Y/n looked him in the eye enforcing her point, "The speeder I got on went the wrong way." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05 ⏰

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