Good Night's Rest..?

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You were just about to leave when your professor walked towards you. "Hello Y/N, may I talk to you for a second in my office?" You suddenly heard a voice behind you.

Professor's POV

"I am sorry but I feel a bit sick so I honestly wanted to go home now." You began to explain to me with a soft voice and apologized. I smiled softly and charmingly. "I understand. I can drive you home if you want to." I held out my hand towards you. I was just waiting for you to get close enough to me so that I wouldn't risk that you would escape from me.

"Really? I don't want to bother you with this." You said quietly.

I smiled in a sweet way "I am your professor, after all, my dear. I really shouldn't let my students feel ill and tired, so I would gladly help you." I was still holding out my hand towards you, waiting for you to accept my offer.

I saw that you really hesitated but I insisted as I grabbed your hand by myself. I couldn't let you walk home by yourself when you were sick after all. "I will be happy to help. Now follow me." I began to walk to the car in the schoolyard and opened the passenger door once we were outside. I waited for you to put on your seatbelt and got into the driver's seat once I was sure that everything was ready. I looked at you and smiled "Now you just need to tell me your address and we are ready to go home, my dear." Of course, I already knew where you lived, but I had to act careful to not scare you too much.

As you told me your address, I was so happy that you trusted me right now. I started driving to your address and after a few minutes of driving through the city, I spoke again. "So, how's your day been so far, Y/N?" I wanted to talk with my Y/N because she is so interesting and nice. I was looking forward to getting to know more about you in our car ride home. I slowly grabbed your hand and smiled at you

"It was good, just a bit exhausting that's all." You said with a soft smile on your face. It was absolutely adorable. "Oh? Why was your day exhausting?" I asked you with a curious tone. I glanced at you but didn't take my eyes off the road. I was careful so that we wouldn't get in an accident. "I am really curious my dear." I smiled at you again. I was thinking about what I could do to make your day better. I had already an idea up my sleeve.

"I just have to study much lately." You said quietly and I felt a bit bad. You were feeling sick and still worked so much in the last few days. You were such a great student in my eyes.

"Oh? What is all this studying for? Did you have any important exam or test coming up?" I asked you with concern "If needed, I could help you. I have lots of experience in teaching the student and I could explain everything important, again, so that you understand everything." I gave you a soft smile. My face was gentle and warm, just like my words and my touch when I had touched your hand earlier. I looked at you again but still kept my focus on the road as the car was driving.

"I just have an exam in a few days, that's why. But it's fine." You smiled assuring but I knew that you just didn't want me to worry more. "I really don't mind helping you my love if you ever need some help. I know plenty of good test tricks. But if you are doing good already, then I am happy to hear that." I spoke softly and comfortably. I had a small smile on my face and continued to look at you. "I am sure that you will ace that exam in a few days." I was slowly starting to accelerate the car down the road. I slowed the car down as I came close to your house. "So, here is your house. Do you have your keys with you?" I asked with concern in my voice, even though I was pretty sure that my little angel has her keys with her at all times.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2023 ⏰

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