A Class-Trip Through the City (2)

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You now slowly woke up in a dark room. You felt something soft under you that made you feel a little bit comfortable. Then you heard a soft voice, it was your professor's voice.

"Are you awake now, my dear?~" He spoke softly with a soft smile on his face.

"W-Where am I?" You asked with a very weak voice. You noticed that you couldn't really move as you felt something around your wrists. The moment you looked around, you noticed that you were tied down to a bed.

"You are at my place my dear... You passed out there, so I thought it would be right to bring you here, to my home. My beautiful treasure~" He spoke with a big smile on his face. "Don't try to move your arms, my dear... It's better if you relax~ It will all be better..." He said in a soft soothing voice.

You looked at him completely shocked. "W-why are you d-doing this?" You asked quietly with a shaky voice as you just stared at him in fear. He looked back at you and he could feel how shocked you were by the current situation.

"Oh my dear, I am doing this because of love." He said gently while looking at you. "Don't be scared... Everything will turn out alright." He said while he slowly began to move his other arm that was free and began to reach out to your face gently. "Just relax my dear, it will be alright now..."

You flinched, the moment he reached out for your face. You were shaking in fear more and more.

He started to smile slightly at your reaction.

"Oh, you are so fragile and cute... Just how I love you... Don't be scared. Everything here is for you my dear~" He said with an even bigger smile now. "Let's be alone for a moment, my precious girl..." He said in a gentle tone as he kept on moving his hand further against your face now. And the moment his hand touched your face, you began to panic and started struggling.

Your teacher noticed your reaction as he started to slowly grab you by your arms now.

"Oh my... Calm down, my dear..." He said softly with a soft smile on his face. "This is only for you, my precious girl..." You tried to move away once again. But you couldn't.

"P-please let me g-go-" You stuttered quietly. You noticed that you were still too weak to do anything."Oh... Oh, my dear..." He spoke calmly as he pinned you down, not allowing you to move anymore once again. "I wouldn't ever hurt you, my dear. All I want is to embrace you and be with you..." He said in a calming manner as he looked back at you with a big smile.

You slowly started to feel tears running down your face. "Please s-stop." You begged quietly as you continued struggling against the ropes which pinned you down to the bed. You couldn't move at all. You felt weak, and he was much stronger than you. "Sorry, but I am here to keep you safe." He said as he held you down. He kept his strong, tight grip now on your body. "It is all for you my love... Do you want me to hurt you... You want to keep you safe." He spoke calmly as he looked back at you with a big smile on his face.

You began to panic the moment he moved closer as he was now almost on top of you. You wanted to struggle more and more, but he only held you down even harder. As you now were panicking a little more by him moving closer to you, his smile only got bigger.

"Oh my my... Calm down my dear, I got you. You are so incredibly adorable, you will never be hurt, just keep quiet, everything will be fine now." He spoke as he kept his hand tightly on you and began to lean forwards with his body against yours.

You just wanted to scream at this point while you were still crying in fear, but you didn't get the chance to scream, as you felt how his lips pushed against yours.

"Shhh dear~" He spoke while not breaking this kiss for a moment. Holding both of your hands down with his free hand on your arms. "Just relax... Everything will be alright. Just enjoy this sweet moment with me dear~" He spoke softly while moving his body slowly more on top of you. You were completely stunned by this as you couldn't move an inch anymore.

In this moment when he had you completely stunned and pinned against the bed. He now began to use his free hand and began to slowly move it down your body... Slowly removing your clothes...

He looked back at you with his adorable smile now, as he began to kiss your neck slightly. "Just relax now my lovely girl ~" He spoke softly as his other hand still kept you pinned against the bed. "N-No please-" You whimpered quietly as you started to panic even more. He noticed that you started crying heavier and he slowly stopped with a worried look on his face.

"Why dear... Is it not alright?..." He spoke in a worried tone. At this moment he stopped, not continuing to remove your clothes anymore. He looked a little confused about what to do now as he still held you down in his arms.

He looked at you at this moment. Your eyes were filled with tears and you were crying at this time. "My dear... Is it not alright? Do you not want this?" He spoke softly.

You shook your head slightly while your whole body was shaking in fear. "Shh dear, it will all be alright." He said gently as he still kept on holding you and had his body gently pressing against yours now. "I am sorry, I just couldn't help myself and wanted to show you as much love as possible..." He spoke gently and his smile was still big on his face. "It's all for you, my dear." He spoke softly as his smile looked at you and touched your face gently. The moment he leaned back, you felt a bit more relieved. He seemed to stop for now.

He now leaned back a little, as he saw that you seemed to be a little bit more relieved now that he would stop. He didn't want you to be too scared anymore, as he still couldn't bear to see you in this state.

Then he put a hand on your cheek once again gently. "My dear... I am here for you." He spoke softly while he gave you that adorable look of his. "Don't be afraid... I am here to protect you, my love."

He noticed your exhausted look as you just stared at him now. But you knew that you couldn't get away like this. There was no point in struggling. You were so tired now as you just tried to keep awake. And it started showing on your face as you now just simply kept on looking at him. You couldn't move your body at this time. You were just so tired...

Your words slowly began to not come out of your mouth. And in the end, only mumbles came out for a short time. The drug was still in your system. At this moment your body slowly started to be more and more exhausted. Your eyes were becoming tired as you kept on looking at him. But you were still awake. Your mind was exhausted beyond belief now.

He looked at you and saw how tired you were. He knew now that the drug was still in your system. After all, he was the one who injected you with this drug in the first place.

You started to hear how his voice sounded again after you started to be so tired just moments ago.

"I guess the drug is still active in your system... Don't worry dear. I made sure to add something additional to just make you tired." He spoke softly now while he kept quiet and only looked at you. You just felt helpless at this moment as you slowly began to feel dizzy once more.

Your eyes started to slowly drift away. You kept your eyes open, as you wanted to keep on looking at the professor. But you just kept being more and more dizzy now once again.

Then... you saw him gently stroking your hair with his hand and touching your face.

"I am here my dear, I am here. Don't worry..." He said softly now.

You didn't want to pass out once again. Not in this situation. "I-" You began to stutter very quietly but you couldn't get a word out anymore. You wanted to try to talk, to stay awake. But it was no use as the dizziness kept on getting more and more intense now.

You wanted to do something. But you couldn't control your body anymore. Slowly you drifted away into unconsciousness once again. Only for a moment, you saw how your teacher's smile was getting bigger right before you lost consciousness once again.

"Sleep well my beloved Y/N... I will always be here for you."

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