A Class-Trip Through the City (1)

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You were on a class trip and it was the first day. Everyone waited outside, including your teacher, because you wanted to make a little tour through the city. Your Teacher explained the rules to everyone and after that everyone was ready.

You began to follow your class, as everyone was excited to finally arrive, as all of these buildings were really a view worth admiring. Everyone took pictures and videos, but you were just looking around now and enjoying this magnificent view. It really was just beautiful here.

Your teacher who stayed close to you the whole time, smiled at you. "You doing alright my dear?" He spoke gently as he still walked right next to you. "Oh, I am fine." You replied rather quietly as you sounded somehow nervous. You tried to keep your distance between the two of you. "You may feel free to take some pictures too, I know you like to capture nice moments." He said as he still smiled. "You know... I don't bite, even tho I am a professor." He joked as he still looked at you. "But I understand that I am still your teacher after all. I am still your superior in the end."

Suddenly Lucy, a friend of yours came towards you and began to talk with you. You immediately engaged in a big talk with her. You enjoyed talking with Lucy, after all, she was such a sweet and kind girl, so it was easy to just talk with her about anything.

She wasn't paying attention to your teacher who still went ahead a little bit. You could see how he always kept one eye on you as he was constantly looking back and smiling at you when Lucy wasn't looking.

You just tried to avoid his gaze for now, but for some reason, something felt off. You couldn't exactly put your finger on it on what felt wrong, but you knew something just didn't feel quite right. A part of you just felt like you were being watched right now. Something about it made you feel uneasy, just thinking about it made you feel anxious, but you tried your best to hide it from Lucy. You really didn't want her to worry about you.

As we kept walking with the class it suddenly began to rain. At first, it was just a little bit but after 5 minutes, it was getting more and more until you had to find a place to take shelter. Everyone now was searching for a place to be protected from the rain. All the other students now began to search for an open place. Your teacher on the other hand already knew where to go. "Come on everyone. This way! I know a perfect spot where we can take cover." He said as he already started walking away. Everyone followed him now.

Your professor now led the group to a little café just a few meters from here. It might not be the best place to hide for everyone, but it was enough to stop the rain. Your whole class now began to enter the café. You looked around for a moment... Just seeing your whole class around you. And then it just hit you again. Something felt wrong, very wrong. You tried your best to shake it off. You really tried to ignore the feeling, by sitting down at a table with Lucy, but Lucy didn't seem to notice anything strange about this whole situation, she was chatting and enjoying everyone's presence.
You tried to ignore everything. Just ignoring what your gut was telling you still...

"Y/N, I'll go to the toilet real quick." Lucy suddenly said as she stood up."Alright, I will just wait for you right here." You replied and watched her leave you alone now in the café. Now you were really alone. You looked around again and once again this feeling returned... It was even more stronger than before.

But suddenly, you felt a hand on your shoulder. Your chest tightened as you felt the hand. 'It's just Lucy, right? It's just Lucy...' You thought. Just reassuring yourself, hoping that it was just Lucy. But then you heard a deep voice that you immediately recognized... It was your teacher. "Hello, my dear."

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