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Bucky turns toward you, fuming. "Did you know about this?" He asks.

"No, I didn't. I'm assuming that's where we were going last night. He said he was being promoted" you bring your hands up to your head.

"I can't believe it. Sam didn't give up the shield for this" You say. You take out your phone and call Sam, but he doesn't pick up.

"No, he can't be Captain America." You pause and call Sam again.

"That shield belongs to Sam now, Steve left it TO HIM!" Bucky huffs.
"Not your stupid boyfriend" he adds.

"He's not my boyfriend." You point out.

"He sure acted like it," he says. You roll your eyes ignoring his comment. "This isn't right," he says and walks out.

"Bucky!" You yell putting the phone down, follow him and stop at the door.
"WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" You yell, as he gets in the car. He slams the door and drives off.

You come back to the house. "Seriously? What the hell." You mumble getting your phone again.

"Come on Sam, answer the phone!" You say, it rings but he still doesn't answer.

You call Bucky trying to figure out where he went, but he doesn't answer either.

The next morning you wake up too early, it's hard to sleep with all that's happening.

You sit on the couch with your coffee while the kids are still sleeping and turn on the TV again. It's on Good Morning America, where they're having a huge celebration, dancers, music a crowd, etc. before changing it John comes out running toward the stage, high fiving people and the whole crowd cheers.

He's like a celebrity, "You've got to be kidding" you scoff.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, your new Captain America" the host introduces him, the crowd cheers and they throw Fireworks. You roll your eyes.

"Good morning. America" he says and the crowd goes wild.

Noah slowly gets up, you hear his little footsteps coming from the hallway. You turn toward him, he rubs his eye, while holding his wolf on the other.

"Good morning," you say, he comes to sit with you, "What's that mama?" He asks, looking at the TV.

"Oh nothing important love," you sigh. He lays on your lap, you rub his head, and look back at the TV.

"What is it like being Captain America?" The interviewer asks John on the TV. You get the remote and turn it up.

"It's the greatest honor of my life. Um, but I'm just a little shocked, I think. How did a guy like me end up here?" He chuckles.

"Oh wait, wait, 'a guy like me'? Somebody's being a bit too humble." She says. "For those of you who aren't familiar with John's résumé." She grabs her prompter cards "John Walker, first person in American history to receive three Medals of Honor, ran RS-One missions in counterterrorism and hostage rescue. The government did a study of your body at MIT, and you tested off the charts in every measurable category. Speed, endurance, intelligence." She reads while they show footage of him working out, training with the shield.

You shake your head. He clearly knew he was going to be chosen as Captain America. Why didn't he tell you? He knows your dad is Tony Stark, you shared about how close you were to Steve. That just pissed you off even more.

"Look, here's the thing, uh I'm not Tony Stark, okay," he says, you gasp "No you're not! Get my dad's name out of your mouth." You say making Noah look up, he sits up and looks back at the TV.

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