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Bucky's POV

Bucky looks around as he's making breakfast. Suddenly it was too quiet.

"Noah?" He drops the spatula and looks back where he was sitting on the chair, next to the counter a minute ago. He moves the pan over to the side, he sees the door from his room open. He walks in and sees Madelyn is still sleeping on his bed. He had a room that Noah and Madelyn shared, but they always slept with him. One of the things he kept from Mya. Since they sleep in their own room at her house.

He loved cuddling with his babies, it helped him sleep.

He looks around and sees Noah's little feet peeking from his closet, he lets out a sigh of relief. "What are you doing here? Your sister is sleeping." He whispers, kneeling down toward him.

Noah sits up, holding 2 pictures. "Mama, Pete," he says pointing at them in the pictures. "And that's baby Noah" Bucky says, pointing at Noah in the picture.

He forgot he buried them in the closet when he thought Mya was having Steve's kid. Apparently he didn't hide them well enough, Noah found them. He's looking at the picture Tony gave him, from Noah's first Christmas.

Bucky picks him up and carries him back to the kitchen. Noah takes the two pictures with him.

"This is Mama, and Dada, and Noah" Noah says, pointing at each one in the picture of them in Wakanda. "It is!" Bucky smiles.

"Where is Maddy?" He asks. "She wasn't born yet, bud" he says placing Noah on his high chair. "Now sit here okay, breakfast is almost ready!" He says, going back to making breakfast.

Maddy starts crying, Bucky quickly goes to his room to get her, while Noah sits looking at the two pictures.

"I want Mama," Noah says as Bucky comes back holding Madelyn.

"I'm dropping you off today. You'll be back with her." Bucky says, handing Madelyn her bottle he had ready for her, he knew she'd wake up hungry.

"And you stay?" Noah says, Bucky looks down at him. "Where?" He asks.

"With mama and Maddy and me!" He says giving Bucky a sweet smile.

"I can't, I live here and your mom lives at her house." He says. Noah taps his chin thinking. "We live here," Noah says. It broke Bucky's heart, how could he say no and break his innocent little heart?

Bucky places Madelyn on her high chair, and buckles her in. "I'm sorry, bud, I wish you could." Bucky rubs his little cheek, and looks down sadly.

"Okay dada," Noah places his hand on his cheek. He's so empathetic and smart, at just 3 years old. He smiles at him, "Okay, let's get some breakfast, are you hungry?" He asks him. He nods getting his favorite green plate.

As he gives them both breakfast he looks down at the picture of him, Mya and Noah, he misses her so much, he misses being together as a family. They didn't get to enjoy it for long. He quickly shakes off the thought.

"Alright ready to go back with your mom?" Bucky asks. Noah nods, he stands on his chair reaching his arm for Bucky. He brings him down and runs to get his shoes.

He turns and sees Madelyn staring at him with a sweet innocent smile. He picks her up, "Oh you are the cutest!" He squeezes her and kisses her chunky cheeks making her laugh.

Noah runs back and hugs him. Bucky scoops him up and kisses his cheek too, he laughs and hugs his dad.

He squeezes both his babies one on each arm, they make him so happy, yet why does he feel he's missing something.

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