Daddy and Mummy

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“Of course come one love” I grab her hand and we walk she starts to slow down and limp.

“What’s the matter kiddo?”

“My knee really aches” she replies

“Does it hurt often?” she nods

“Come on carry you the rest of the way home”. I take the lead of her and pick her up and place her on my hip and walk home. I see are tear roll down her cheek.

“You ok?” I ask

“It hurts badly”

“We are almost home we will talk to your dad uhh Louis and get him to talk to a doctor she what we should do.”

“No I don’t want to go to the doctor please Zee don’t make me go there please” she looks so scared.

“We might not have to yet but we still might you have to be brave she can help with the pain.” She stays quiet.

We get home and tears are still rolling down her face.

Louis POV

Gracie and Zayne leave and I lay on the couch for a bit then go up and to her room I don’t know why but I do. I go and sit on her bed which is made perfectly it is almost like she doesn’t even sleep in it. I see a something out of the corner of my eye I see a little box. I go over and open it inside there are some news articles about a soldier and a photo of a tall young man in a army uniform holding tightly to a little girl I stare at it and relies that it is Gracie. Then I relies it must be her dad. He looks like he doesn’t want to leave. I pick up an article and read it.

He died saving 5 kids from a blast bomb in Afghanistan. I hear the door open I put the stuff back and go down stairs Zayne is placing Gracie on the couch she has tear rolling down her cheeks. I rush over to them

“What happened?” I ask her I hear the panic in my voice.

“Her knee really hurts we were walking home and she started limping she says it isn’t the first time.” Zayne says

“Umm ok then they have we got that heat pack still?” I ask

“Umm yea ill see if I can find it” Zayne says and leave. I look at Gracie she has her legs to her chest whimpering in pain. I pick her up and sit down and place her on my lap. I rock her back and forth and rub her back soothingly. It hurts me to see her in pain. She put her thumb in her mouth and leans into my chest she puts her head on my heart I kiss her on the top of her head. Zayne comes back about 15 minutes later Zayne comes in with a heat pack and some children pain relief.

“I rang the health nurse and she said to put the heat pack on and take some pain relief if it doesn’t get better take her for some scans.” Zayne says and walks over he hands me the the medicine and heat pack.

“Honey take this medicine it will help you.” I say to her she shakes her head.

“Why not princess”

“Last time I had medicine the bad men hurt me” I see red I hate the thought that someone hurt her

“What did they do to you princess?”

“It really hurt it felt like someone was pulling me apart. There was blood. But they kept doing it. Even when I begged and screamed for them to stop “she says I look at her eyes are glazed over.

“Where did they hurt you princess?”

“A place where people aren’t meant to touch me” they raped her sick bastards I look at Zayne he looks like he is going to yell or punch someone.

“Zayne mate outside now please” I say to him he looks at me and sees I am serious he walks out and slams the door. Grace tenses up.

“Your all right princess your safe now. This medicine won’t make anything happen but hopefully stop the pain. You have to trust me princess your are safe” she nods and I lowly take the syringe with the medicine and put it in her mouth and she swallows it. I then put the heat pack on her knee and hold it there for her. While she puts her ear to my heart again it is weird but she seems so calm. Like she is listening to the beat.

“Is it feeling any better princess” I ask her she shakes her head. Maybe if I can take her mind of it.

You can't fool me, I saw you when you came out

You got your momma's taste but you got my mouth

And you will always have a part of me

Nobody else is ever going to see

Gracie girl

With your cards to your chest walking on your toes

What you got in the box only Gracie knows

And I would never try to make you be

Anything you didn't really want to be

Gracie girl

Life flies by in seconds

You're not a baby Gracie, you're my friend

You'll be a lady soon but until then

You gotta do what I say

You nodded off in my arms watching TV

I won't move you an inch even thought my arm's asleep

One day you're gonna want to go

I hope we taught you everything you need to know

Gracie girl

And there will always be a part of me

Nobody else is ever gonna see but you and me

My little girl

My Gracie girl

I finish singing and she is looking up at me with those blue eyes she is sucking her thumb still she looks so adorable her cheeks are really red. She takes her thumb out of her mouth.

“I like that song Daddy” she says. She actually called me daddy my heart swells with happiness I must have a shocked look on my face.

“I’m sorry Louis I didn’t mean to call you daddy”

“No no it is fine if you want to call me daddy you can I would really like that”

She stays quiet for a bit she has a thinking face on.

“Do I call El Mummy then”

“I would love that” El says walking though the door with a huge smile on her face.

“Is everything ok Gracie? it looks like you have been crying” El ask her coming to sit next to us and brushing a bit of Gracie’s hair behind her ear.

“My knee hurts really badly.” Grace says

“So the medicine didn’t help Munchkin or the heat pack” I ask her

“It did a little, I’m tired daddy”

“Let’s have something to eat first princess you really haven’t eaten much since you have been hear it worries me.”

“Can I just have a glass of milk?”

“Can you have a piece of toast as well?”

“I will try”

Adopted by El and LouisTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon