Chapter 12 Sister

Start from the beginning

He was lucky to have been able to avoid her, but he had to admit that Sera was getting on his nerve lately, seemingly always looking for an opportunity to speak with him. She had been trying to approach the other student council members as well. Yoshino had reported that she was really curious about Kudo and the reason behind the student council's warning. Even though she had told her just like how she told her classmates, the female detective still looked unsatisfied. Asagi knew she would not be satisfied with the student council's response, probably not as long as she had not spoken with the leader of the student council, which was him.

Asagi did not want to have any business with the characters, so it was obvious he would not want to talk with her. Even so, there was a time when he thought it would be better to confront Sera as soon as possible since once Sera had done talking with him, he would no longer have any business with her, but this idea was quickly thrown out the window after he was rejected by the student council. They were reluctant with that idea since according to them, there was no need for the president to step up when the other three were more than enough against her, not that there would be any difference in response even when the president had to step up. For them, it was too much because it might leave an impression that the president had to babysit all the students by himself even when there were still others in the student council, which might make people question his ability in leading the student council and degrade the dignity of the student council as a whole. It was fine if she asked him directly, they said, but it was different if he approached her first. For this reason, lately, he was playing the game of cat and mouse with Sera. She kept looking for him while he kept avoiding her.

Asagi knew that sooner or later he would have to face her to end this game regardless of the student council's approval, but for the time being, it was clear that he had to keep the game on until Sera managed to catch him. Honestly, he was hoping that Sera would forget or give up about it after many failed attempts of approaching him. This was just how much Asagi disliked having to interact directly with characters. After all, to him, characters were the harbinger of trouble and danger. Besides, he really needed to study hard these days considering how poor his science skill was. It might seem to be an excuse, but it was also the truth. It was so convenient to him that he started to become a study addict to the point he neglected his family.

His parents had no problem with him being studious. They were even happy when they saw how diligent their son was. But the problem was his little sister. Akari was obviously not happy with her brother's sudden change. She wanted her brother to play with her, not just to study hard.

But I don't really know how to play with children, especially little girls, he thought again. All this time, he never really played with Akari. All he did was limited to accompanying her while she was watching TV or reading children books with her. He really had no idea how else he was supposed to play with her. He was a boy and although he had a younger sister, he rarely played with her because each of them had their own playmates. He was with the other boys while his sister was with the other girls. If they played together, it was never too far from hide-and-seek and guessing games. When they were a bit older, they played board games like snakes and ladders and monopoly. After he grew up, he never played with children. He was too immersed in his own world, never looking back at the younger generation.

Recalling his past, Asagi thought that perhaps he could apply his childhood experience to babysitting Akari. Hide and seek was not an option because it could tire them out. He did not want to tire himself out when he still had to study and do homework, nor did he want to be blamed by his parents for making his sister tired. Guessing game was a bit problematic because he was not sure what kind of topic would suit a child around Akari's age. That left him with board games. His real-world sister had no problem playing board games with him, so perhaps he could also play the same game with his fictional sister, but the problem was Akari had no such toys. All she had were dolls and a dollhouse. The other toys—or games to be exact—were all accessible through smartphone apps and could be played by one person, so she never asked for anything else.

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