Chapter 10 The Transfer Student (1)

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"It's useless..." Asagi lay his head on the desk soullessly. Not far from his head, there were books and papers full of scientific scribbles scattered around. Asagi had been trying hard to relearn math and science. While he did not have too much problem relearning math and biology, he did have a big problem when it came to physics and chemistry. Particularly chemistry. It had been years since the last time he learned about chemical compounds and their formulas, so he had to learn and memorize them again from zero. There were so many basics about chemistry that he had forgotten. He had no idea what the covalent bond was or why this compound was acid yet the other was alkali. He did not understand anything about Dalton's theory. He could not recall how to read the periodic table. He was like a complete beginner in chemistry. Asagi had been studying as diligently as he could, but with his current pace, it would be impossible for him to catch up with the lesson in class. He should be able to work on the sophomore-level since he was a sophomore, but sadly he found out that even the freshman level was still too difficult for him.

"I'm done for," he whined pitifully in the quiet library. It's the end... there's no hope anymore...

He thought he could do it without much problem because he had done it once. He thought it would not be this hard. Oh how wrong he was! He had clearly overestimated himself!

Asagi sulked, doing nothing but sitting in the library as he lay his head on the desk. He was so tired and disappointed and depressed. He felt so hopeless. Before, he did consider hiring a tutor, but when he thought about it again, he was reluctant to ask his new parents to hire a tutor for him because they were not exactly his parents. On the other side, he himself was only a student without his own salary who was still dependent on his parents. In the end, he tossed aside his idea to hire a tutor, leaving him only with a single choice: to study more diligently. However, he soon learned that he could not make significant progress by learning alone. He needed someone to teach him, but he had no idea who could teach him for free since he could not possibly hire anyone to teach him. Asagi had thought to get a part-time job, but later he also discarded that idea because getting a part-time job would only lessen his time for studying. He was at a dead end. Asagi had no idea what to do anymore.

"Found you!"

A familiar voice of a girl followed by a tap on his shoulder surprised him. Asagi glanced at his side, seeing Yoshino smiling widely at him. Behind her, there were also Asakura and Inaba. Asagi frowned. He did not recall the student council having a meeting today. Besides, it was already late. Why were they still at school?

"What?" Due to his bad mood, he sounded annoyed when he asked them even though he did not mean to.

"What's with that tone?" Inaba replied with an offended look, clearly managed to pick up the president's mood but refused to yield. "You didn't answer your phone, didn't reply to our texts. Turns out you are... what? Sleeping in the library? Just what the hell are you doing?"

"Oh." Asagi glanced at his bag this time. "I muted my phone. I need to concentrate."

"Concentrate my ass! What's so hard about answering your phone or replying to our texts? It wouldn't even take more than five minutes!" the vice president almost roared. "Hey, you did that on purpose, didn't you?"

"Be quiet. This is the library," the president looked unfazed as he reprimanded his vice president although inwardly, he was surprised when Inaba scolded him that fiercely. It was his first time seeing him getting angry. "And no, I wasn't purposely ignoring you. Like I said, I needed to concentrate. Besides, school is over when I muted my phone. We don't have any appointments either, so I don't see why I can't mute my phone."

"You—!" Inaba looked like he wanted to argue again, but before he could say anything, the treasurer beside him cut him off.

"Are you studying, President?" Asakura asked as she glanced at the books and papers on the desk. "Chemistry?"

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