Chapter 2 Teitan High's President

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The moment he stepped inside Teitan High for the first time, Asagi thought he would be lost in the building.

He had no idea where his shoebox was, nor did he know where exactly his classroom was. He thought he was doomed for sure, but it all changed after someone called him. It was a girl with a ponytail. She looked bright and confident. However, he did not immediately realize that she was calling him because she did not call his name. She called him president several times and he only looked at her after she called him with his surname, Nagayama.

"Geez, President, what's up with you today?" she said with an amused look. Asagi knew he should not have known her, but at that time, he strangely knew who she was. Yoshino Sumire, the student council secretary.

"Yoshino," he smiled. "Sorry, I have a lot in my mind lately."

"Oh, what is it?" the girl approached him with interest. "Let me guess. Are you thinking about Ryuzaki-kun who's been absent for almost two months?"

Who's that? But he held his tongue before he blurted out those words. Instead, he only uttered a single word, "No."

"No? How cold, President. You know he's been absent because he was bullied."

"Mmm..." he only hummed as a response because he really did not know what to say. Also, he was bothered by how she called him. President? The student council secretary calling him president? Don't tell me I'm the student council president?


... That was actually possible.

Hey, hey, you're joking, right? When he realized that it was possible that he was the student council president, Asagi was terrified again. How could he not? If he was the student council president, it meant his name had been known widely in this school, which meant the protagonists definitely knew him as well. That was no good! It meant he could not plan to lay low anymore! His peaceful and tranquil life was threatened!

"President?" Yoshino's voice snapped him out of his thoughts. Asagi wanted to curse loudly for being called with such a title, but knowing it would not help him at all, he could only resign to his fate. Dammit...!

"Sorry, Yoshino, I think I just lost in thoughts. Did you say something?"

"No, but... you're really bothered by something, huh..."

Asagi forced a smile. "Yeah... sorry, I need to find my shoebox now."

"What's with that? President, you know your shoebox is just behind this one. No need to find it," the girl laughed as she knocked the locker at her right side. Asagi was overjoyed the moment he heard that. It was a clue! He went to the other side of the locker immediately while keeping his thought hidden. Yoshino was right. He found a shoebox with his name on it. Without dilly-dallying, he changed into his indoor shoes and stored his outdoor shoes in the shoebox. Now, the only problem would be how to reach his class.

"Ne, ne, President, what have you been thinking, hm?" just after he closed his shoebox, Yoshino approached him again. "Why don't you share it with me? After all, we're the student council. We have to solve students' problems together."

"Nah, it's not about student's problem," he replied, feeling dreaded when it was confirmed that he was in the student council, but that dread did not stay long because he was a little annoyed by how clingy and persistent Yoshino was. "I think we should go to class, Yoshino. Homeroom will start soon."

"Not about student?" Yoshino looked a bit surprised for a while, completely ignoring the last part of his words, but then, she smiled cheekily. "Ah, it's about a girl, then?"

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